Cute Bickering

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"Good Morning Sir." I just nodded to the guard when he opens the door for me. I am in hurry because I am late and I have a meeting. I ride the elevator frantically looking at my rolex. The elevator dinged and I hurried out to the conference room and found Ms. Jung nervously walking back and forth obviously waiting for me.

"Mr. Jeon!" She half shouted in relief upon seeing me.

"Are all of them here already?"

"Yes sir. We have been waiting for you for almost half an hour." With what she said I hurried inside. I apologize to them and immediately started the meeting. The meeting took almost three hours. By the time we finished and everyone except for Ms. Jung and I were left, I sigh and close my eyes and massages my temple. I am really exhausted. Physically and emotionally drained.

"Mr. Jeon are you alright?" I heard her talking to me.

"Yes. I'm just tired." I said still closing my eyes.

"Oh okay. Hmmm shall I bring you coffee and medicine sir?" She offered.

"Ani. Come on Ms. Jung. Let us go back to the office." I stood up and walked ahead to the elevator. I waited for her and we rode in silence. I could feel her glance at me from time to time. I just paid her no mind. I am really tired to say anything.

"Ms. Jung, what's my sched for today?" I inquired as we walk towards our office.

"Nothing for today Sir."

"Good. Please don't accept anyone today okay? And one more thing please order my usual. And an iced americano. Make it for two. You can have the other one." I didn't let her refuse my offer as I immediately opens the door to my office.


I was about to refuse but he turns his back to me so i just closed my mouth. That's food anyway so who am I to reject that. Food is life right? I called the delivery and while waiting I started encoding some reports. I have forgotten how long I was working until the delivery boy hands me the order. I paid him and knocked at Mr. Jeon's door. I knocked again when I didn't hear say anything. But no sound can be heard and that is when i started to worry.

"Sir? Your food is here. Can I come in?" I called in once again. When he still didn't answer I decided to barge in, only to find out he is fast asleep in his sofa. His tie loosened, hair disheveled and mouth slightly opened. He must be very tired. I am having two minds wether to just leave the food and have him continue his sleep or I should wake him up, let him eat first then he can go back to sleep. I choose the second option. I believe that no one should be sleeping in an empty stomach. I quietly approached him.

"Mr. Jeon? Wake up. Food is here". I tapped his shoulders.

"Mmmhhh. Okay." He just murmured but he continued his sleep.

"Mr. Jeon, you need to eat first. It is already 10 minutes past 12." He still didn't move. So I leaned in to shake his shoulders when he suddenly opens his eyes and for a moment both of us are frozen and are unable to cut the eye contact. In his eyes all saw deep pain, tireness and an emotion I couldn't put into place.

"Eherm." He cleared his throat and I straigthend my back and distanced myself to him.

"Ahhh y-you should eat first before sleeping Mr. Jeon."

"Oh yeah? I don't have appetite for now I am not really feeling well." He groaned and close his eyes again. Being someone who cannot tolerate stubborn people I grabbed him and ask him to eat. As soon as my hand touches his skin, I could feel his warmth. He is having a fever!

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