Please Stay

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I cannot exactly tell why I did that. I know that I was just teasing her when I called her babe because I thougt she looks cute when she's embarrased. But when she called me LOVE, I just can't control the urge in me to kiss her on her cheek. Now, I am worried because she just stood there motionless, her eyes bulged and her mouth opened. I know she was plotting murder in her mind right now. But I don't care anyway. Infact, I am having the time in my life looking at her expression. I was still smirking while looking at her when my son cheered.

"Yey! Mommy loves daddy." She then kissed Yerin's cheek. That kiss awoken her from her state! Then she glared at me clearly very pissed off. However, she still managed to smile when she turned to Jungwoon.

"Y-yeah baby. Come on let's go!" She then walk out without asking me. I just chuckled and followed them. I noticed she is really struggling from holding my son and her handbag, not to mention she is wearing high heels. I went to her and grab her bag and walk ahead looking for the ice cream shop.

"What flavor do you want Woonie?" I ask him.

"Chocolate!" He answered happily whike still clinging to Yerin.

"And you Lo--" She answered strawberry without letting me finish before leaving me and went to find our seat. I chuckled again. After ordering the ice creams, I went to our seat and sat infront of them. Woonie is now sitting on her lap.

"Baby? Why don't you sit with Daddy now. Mommy is already tired because you are so heavy." I tried to relieve her from his weight.

"No Daddy. I miss mommy. I only see mommy now." He refused.

"Of course baby. But you are heavy and Mommy might be hurt. Come on baby." I coaxed but he still refused.

"Woonie, what about you sit here beside Mommy so that you can eat your ice cream." She softly said.

"Yes mommy." She then put him on the chair beside her. I like the way she talks to him. She made him obey her without the need to scold him. We ate the ice cream in silence.

"Ah hmmm Mr. Jeon," she whispered that part. "what about the file. Sign it now so that I can still send to Mr. Cha because I still have to attend mass after this."

"Never mind. I will ask Mr. Shin to deliver it thru FedEx later."

"But Sir, no need to do that. I can do it after eating. I still have enough time for it." I know that she just probably want to go. I just nodded and sign the document, then I handed it back to her.

"So I need to go now Sir." She gathered her things and was about to stand up when Jungwoon looks from his ice cream to Yerin.

"Where are going Mommy?"

"Ahh, uhmmm, m-mommy is going to go now Jungwoon."

"Then Woonie wants to go with Mommy". My son got down from his seat.

"N-no!" She accidentally raises her voice that made him flinch and his lips began to quiver. "I-i mean, I have to work and babies like Woonie aren't allowed to tag along." She tried to explain but he starts crying. She was flustered as she picks him up and try making excuses.  But by this time Jungwoon is a bawling mess. She then helplessly look at me.

"Mr. Jeon! Help me please." She was beyond flustered and I began to take pity on her. I stood up.

"Woonie come to Daddy. I will tell you something." I reached for him but his grip to Yerin becomes stronger.

"No! Go away Daddy! I want to go to Mommy!" I can't understand what's with him today but he is acting like a spoiled brat.

"Come on Woonie before Daddy really gets mad. Besides she is not your real Mommy! Stop this nonsense right now!" I finally snapped. Yerin look at me with wide eyes

"No daddy is bad. Mommy too! No one loves Woonie. I hate daddy and Mommy." I think I made things worse because now he is struggling out of Yerin's grip. She even tripped had I not caught her by her waist. People are now watching our little drama.

"N-no! Baby that's not true. Okay Mommy won't go anymore. Mommy will stay with Woonie. Mommy loves Woonie. Stop crying now please." She pacified him and kiss his head over and over again until the once loud cry of Jungwoon subsided to only soft whimpers.

"R-really? M-mommy s-stays w-with me?" He looks up and stares at Yerin who also looks at him before she smiles and nodded

"Yes baby. Mommy will stay."


"P-promise. Now, shall we continue eating ice cream?" She said but my son shakes his head.

"I don't want to eat anymore."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want to go home. Woonie is tired mommy. I want to sleep."

"O-okay. Let-s go home." I look at her and she just smiled reluctantly. I returned her smile apologetacally. I mouthed sorry which she just returned with a tired but understanding smile.

"Okay now Woonie, let me carry you. You are now a big boy. You don't want mommy to get hurt right?" I ask him immediately when I sense that he wont let her go. He turn to look at her then opened his arms to my embrace.
"That's my good boy. Let's go now MOMMY." I saw her gulped. Sometimes I questioned myself too, just like now, I cannot explain why I grabbed Yerin's hand while I was carrying Jungwoon. I felt her try to get her hand out of my palm but I held on tighter. Refusing to let her go.


I flinched when Mr. Jeon held my hand. I am trying to get my hand out of his when he held on tighter. I was forced to match his pace but I still did try to let go when he whispered.

"Quit struggling Yerin-ah!" I was really confused of his actions. And since when did we become close for him to call me informally????

"Mr. Jeon, let go of my hand please. You are making me uncomfortable." I whispered.

"I like making people feel uncomfortable Yerin." The nerve of this jerk. "Ouch! What's that for?!" I smiled at him after I punch his side for revenge.

"That's for jerk like you Mr. Jeon! You owe me a lot today." I just said and just dismiss the idea of wringing my hand from his hold. I just let him be.

"Yes. I owe you a lot today. I'll pay." He said.

"Ha! Make sure you'll pay me well for my time and effort today." I said and smiled. He too smiled. When we reach the parking lot, Mr. Shin opened the door and when we got in I remembered I brought my car with me.

"Wait Mr. Jeon, my car-"

"Mr. Shin please drive Ms. Jung's car into our home. I will be driving my car instead." He just nooded and I gave him the key. Jungwoon and I sat at back. I cradle his head on my lap as he sleeps. I ran my fingers through his hair. Along the ride my mind drifted to questions regarding Mr. Jeon and his son.

"What happened to Mr. Jeon and his wife?

"Where is Jungwoon's mom?"

"Why did he call me mommy?"

These questions keep on bugging me. I cannot remember when did I drift off to dreamland.

To be continued.

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