This Is Happiness

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Today is Jungwoon's 4th birthday celebration. We are now at our garden celebrating. All my friends are present as well my parents and Lisa. As I looked at how happy Woonie is I can't help but feel extremely happy too. My happiness was escalated because of the fact that Yerin and I have sorted out our feelings.

"Are you happy Jungkook?" I turn to look at Lisa who approached me.

"I am Lisa. I hope you'll be happy too." I smiled softly at her.

"I will Jungkook. Just give me time and I will be happy too." She smiled genuinely.

"I'll be praying for that. And thank you. Thank you so much for giving me Jungwoon and Yerin too."

"I should be the one saying that to you for still allowing me to be a part of Jungwoon's life despite the fact that I left you. And I should thank Yerin unnie for bringing me back to you. For this Jungkook please be happy with unnie and your baby."

"Everything ends well Lisa. Don't worry you and I will always be connected through Jungwoon." I said finally before we decided to go where the crowd is.

"Daddy! Mommy Lisa! Look at the cake. I like it so much! Thank you Mommy Lisa, you're the best!" Jungwoon hugged Lisa and planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

Lisa glanced at Yerin gratefully. Yerin just nodded.

"Baby, are you excited for our surprise later?" I asked Jungwoon.

"Yes Daddy." He beamed.

"Auntie, Uncle are you going to go the park later?" I heard Yerin whispered to my parents.

"No Yerin. We will not. I will give the moment to Jungkook, Lisa and Jungwoon." My mom answered.

"Oh okay. The boys and the girls too are not going. Maybe I shouldn't too." Yerin said.

"No!" My parents and I chorused.

"O-okay." She said.

The party continued until the boys and girls decided to go home. At 6PM we will be going to the amusement park to grant Woonie's wish.

We just took a rest for a while. Then at 5:30 Jungwoon, Lisa, Yerin and I rode the car going to the park.

"Wow! Is this my surprise Daddy? Am I going to ride the ferris wheel?" Jungwoon excitedly said as he set foot to the park.

"Yes baby. You can ride the ferris wheel all you want." I said.

"You go there now, I will ask the operator." Yerin said.

"Aren't you going to ride Unnie?" Lisa asked.

"Later Lisa. For now you ride with Jungkook and Jungwoon. Let's make his wish come true. Riding ferris wheel with his mom and dad." She said to Lisa which made Lisa tear up and I proud.

"Thank you so much unnie." Lisa hugged her.

"Mommy Yennie you're not riding with us?" Woonie asked sadly.

"I will baby but later. For now enjoy the ride with Mommy and Daddy okay?"

Then the ride begins. I could tell how happy he is. As the ride begins to slow down, Lisa held Jungwoon and said.

"Baby, please know that Mommy Lisa is always herw to love you okay?" She started.

"Yes mommy."

"But you see baby, mommy Lisa has to work far away again but don't worry Mommy Yennie will stay with you."

"Really? Mommy Yennie will stay in the house?" He was so happy, we could tell.

"Yes baby. We need to take care of Mommy Yennie because she has a baby in her tummy." I started explaining it to him.

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