Letting Go

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I woke up with a splitting headache. I slowly got up while massaging my temple. I look at my right side to see a still sleeping and shirtless Jungkook. I sighed remembering what happened last night. A familiar ache crept into my chest so I hastily stood up and went to the bathroom. I need to shake this bad vibes off my system. I took a long shower and brush my teeth. Then I got dressed and went out while rubbing my wet hair with a towel.

I saw Jungkook already awake but still sitting on the bed. He looks sexy with his messy hair and shirtless upper body. If I wasn't sad I woulf have drooled on the sexy scene.

"Good morning Jeon." I greeted trying not to look at him because my eyes are puffy from crying.

"Good morning too Jung." He teased back.

"Want coffee?" I offered.

"Yes please. Anyway, what do you want for breakfast?" He asked me before getting a towel on the drawer.

"I don't really mind just having rice and hotdogs and sausages. You?"

"I am not a breakfast person. A bread and toast would be fine and an orange juice." He said.

"Shall I order and have it delivered or you want to dine at the hotel's restaurant?"

Nah! Have them delivered."

"Okay sure." I said and began calling the reception. While waiting for Jungkook to finish showering and our breakfast to arrive I opened my laptop and began organizing some work related stuffs. It's been a while before I heard Jungkook's footsteps coming towards me. As usual he is shirtless.

"Yah! I said don't go around naked in this room Jungkook!" I scolded him.

"Why? Does it bother you Babe?" He started calling me names again. After last night, I can't stand it now.

"Stop calling me pet names or gross call signs Jungkook!" I said seriously.

"Ohhhh...are you having your period Babe?"

"I sais stop calling me that!" I yelled at him. He was confused at my attitude. I want to say sorry but the doorbell rings and he silently opened the door for our breakfast. When the room service was gone, he called me in a very cold and indifferent voice.

"Let's eat."

I approached the table guiltily. For a moment I was trying to catch his eyes and apologize but he ignored me.

"Hmmmm look s-sorry for yelling at you Jungkook." I started but he just continued eating.

"Hey, I am really sorry. I was just not in the mood." He finally look at me and I was about to smile but he just nodded and continued eating silently.

Wow! He is really playing hard to get!

"Eherm! Jungkook-ah sorry. I am really really sorry for yelling at you. You know my head hurt real bad. I was just not in the mood. Okay?" I said all those things but he is still giving me silent treatment.

"Okay. What do you want me to do to make ypu accept my apology? Tell me, I would do it." I surrendered.

"Really? You will do anything?" Finally he stopped eating and look at me.

"S-sure as long as it doesn't involved anything sexual!" I said and he laughed.

"Too bad I was about to ask you for a lap dance."

I held on to my fork because I felt an urge to stab him. Maybe he noticed it because he hastily added.

"Just kidding. Anyway, you want me to forgive you for yelling at me?"

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