Meeting the Older Jeons

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Lisa is still at her agency for some more things to settle before she retires as a model. I felt bored doing nothing so I told her I will go back to the hotel and prepare for our departure tomorrow afternoon. I have just finished doing the necessary things and it's still early for me to sleep. So I took a bottle of wine and sat at the suite's balcony and review the decisions I've made.

As  I sit doing nothing and no one's with me, I can't help but miss Yerin. She's always been a good conversationalist. I miss her laugh and her eyesmile. I miss the way she gets irritated when I tease her. I miss her eyesmile when she's happy. I miss looking at her when she gets shy and blushes. I just missed everything about her and the fact that it hasn't been four hours since she's been gone, scares me. I never knew I've been too attached to her that my fear of losing her sends me to an edge.

Jung Yerin what have you done to me? I thought I'm sure with my feelings for Lisa but why do you keep on messing with my emotion? Can I really give you to Taehyung hyung or Eunwoo or any other guy?

I took a gulp of my wine and ruffled my hair in frustration.

What is she doing by now? Is she with Jungwoon and Hyung already? Why haven't I received any text from any of them? Should I text them?

I stood up an grabbed my phone on the table when it suddenly rings and it's a video call from my......

Mom calling....

For a while I stand motionless not understanding what would be the reason she's calling me. I suddenly felt nervous.

Is something wrong with them? With Jungwoon?

I swiped accept. A few second later an image of my mom and my son appeared. They are on my bedroom.

Eyy? Why are they in my house and should Jungwoon be with Yerim and hyung  by now?

"Omma?" I greeted her. "Jungwoon-ah, annyeong?" I immediately smiled when my son's face is covered the screen.

"Daddy! I miss you!" Jungwoon shouted.

"Shhhh let's speak quietly baby." I knitted my brows when my mother said that.

"Sorry halmeoni."

"I miss you too baby. Why are with grandma? Where's samchon?"

"Hey son!" My mom said and Jungwoon ran towards my bed. It's a little dark since only a lampshade lit the room.

"Yes omma." I turn my focus back on her.

"V has gone gome already. I asked him to go home even though he doesn't want to because he's worried."

"Why would he be worried and what are you even doing with Woonie in my house?" I asked really confused.

"Well your appa and I had a meeting with his friend and so we came to Seoul. We decided to call on V so we can meet our grandson and it so happened that they are with SOMEONE right at that moment." 

I felt chills ran down my body when mom emphasizes the word someone. Could it mean Yerin?

"What do you mean Omma?" I asked nervously.

Suddenly my mom walked near my bed and switched the cam. At first I can only see my son hugging someone. Then, my heart beats so fast like it's falling out of my rib cage when I saw Yerin on my bed sleeping!

"Yerin?!!!!!" I yelled.

"Omma? What happened?" I am feeling the sweat started to run down on my body.

"She suddenly fainted--"

"What?! Why?!" I didn't let her finished. I am way too tensed and worried by now.

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