Four Wounded Hearts

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I watched as all of the girls and boys are having so much fun. I can finally breathe upon seeing that somehow everyone eases to Lisa. She is now joking with some of the more accepting persons. I am proud of them because they try to make friends with the person whom Jungkook loves and is a mother of our dear Jungwoonie. As for myself I am still in pain but I know I can move on from this.

I noticed Taehyung oppa being silent in the farthest seat. Lisa is now tipsy and so is everyone. I stood up and approached Taehyung.

"Oppa? Are you okay?" I asked him and sat at the opposite chair.

"Not really Yerin. But I know I will be." He said and smiled sadly.

"Oh. Can I be of help oppa?"

"You can Yerin but it's not proper. You too need your own happiness."

"Huh? How do I connect with this oppa? I mean how is your sadness connected to my happiness?" I asked him confusely.

"Yerin can I be honest with you?" I watched him watching me solemnly. I felt nervous all of a sudden.

I looked around and everyone is busy with whatever. It was only oppa and I in this far corner. I nodded.

"Go on Oppa. Tell me what's bothering you." I urged him and smiled softly.

"I love you." He said. I stopped breathing. I only looked at him confused.


"You heard me. I love you Jung Yerin. I really do, I love you that I am hurting." He said and a lone tear escaped his eyes.

"O-oppa, I-i don't know what to say. I-i a-am shock. W-why oppa?" I asked him my tears are also falling.

"What's why Yerin-ah?"

"Why do you love me oppa? I am no one compared to you."

"I don't know too Yerin. They said if you love a person the most difficult thing to answer starts with the question why. I can't give you an exact reason Yerin. I just know that I love you enough to let you go for to find your own happiness." He said and reach for my hand.

"O-oppa. I can't understand what you actually mean."

"Yerin, I know you love Jungkook." He said plainly.

"What? N-no oppa, I don't---"

"Stop pretending Yerin-ah. Just tonight, please be honest to yourself."

I didn't say anything for a while. I just looked down and allow all my tears to fall. His hands are holding me tightly. We are drawing strength from.each other.

"O-oppa..why can't it be you? Why can't I tell my heart to stop loving someone who was never mine to begin with? Why can't my heart only look to you?" I asked him the questio that I am asking myself too.

"Because that's how love works Yerin. In love you you either win or lose, laugh or cry, give up or fight for it." Taehyung oppa said while holding me tightly.

"How I wish I could turn back time oppa. I don't want this. It hurts oppa. Everytime I see him my heart dies. Their happiness is the death of my heart. But I will still choose death to see Jungkook and Jungwoon happy. " i sobbed harder.

"And I will do the same for you Yerin-ah. Listen to me well because tonight I will let go of you completely. I hope you will.fight for your happiness." He said as he distanced himself to me.

"What do you mean oppa?"

"Yerin, you and Jungkook love each other." I was so shock with what he said.

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