The Reunion

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So Yerin-ah, how are you?" I clasped my hands nervously.

"I am okay Mrs. Jeon. Sorry for the inconvenience I may have caused last  night." I apologized.

"No. We should be the one saying sorry for causing you stress last night. We don't mean any harm though. We were just surprised about the news that our grandson has someone he calls mom."

Her smile somehow eases the nervousness I felt.

"It's okay Mrs. Jeon, maybe I was just so tired that's why it happened. Anyway, thank you for taking care of me." I gratefully said.

"Don't mention it. It's too little compared to what you've done for my son and grandson. Taehyung told me everything about it."

I nodded and thank Tae oppa for saving me from more explanation.

"So Mrs. Jeon, I really need to go home. I haven't showered and changed yet. I just arrived last night." I asked her politely.

"Oopss not so fast lady. You have to eat breakfast with us before you can go home. Now, you can use the bathroom and we'll be waiting for you in the dining. Okay?" She said as she stood up.

"Yes Ma'am." I nodded and smiled before she turned to walk away.

I stood up and went to open my luggage to get my toothbrush and a new shirt. I will just shower when I get back to my apartment. After some time, I gather my belongings and went out of the room after arranging the bed.

As I go down in their majestic staircase, I saw three pair of eyes looking at my direction. I am a little conscious.

"Hi mommy." Woonie beamed at me happily.

I noticed Jungkook smile a bit and Mr.&Mrs. Jeon smirked.

"H-hi baby." It really feels awkward right now.

"Good morning Mr.&Mrs. Jeon, and Sir JK." I tried hard to sound really formal.

"Good morning too Yerin. Let's eat." Mr. Jeon said. I approached the table and was hesitant of where should I sit.

"Sit here Yerin." I was about to sit next to Mrs. Jeon when Jungkook said that.

"Yes Sir." I said and timidly took the seat on his left.

He was sitting next to his father opposite to his mom. I am seated beside him where Jungwoon sits opposite me.

We ate silently for a while until Mrs. Jeon decided to say something that had me looked at her confused.

"So Yerin-ah, are you dating someone right now?"

"N-no Mrs. Jeon." I said.

"Good then. So, you're free and single right?" She confirmed while throwing a glance at Jungkook, who by the way has suddenly stopped eating.

"Yes Ma'am. M-may I ask why are you asking me?" I politely asked her.

"Because Yerin, we liked you." Mr. Jeon said which made me even more confused.

"Thank you Sir but I don't understand."

"Dear, we liked you and had Jungkook not in a relationship right now we could have you shipped together. But well, you know, he is being and idiot so we can't do that anymore."

I wasn't really following the course of this conversation but upon mentioning his relationship now, I can't help but feel the pain again.

"Ehh I am not interested in him too Ma'am---"

"Yes I understand he isn't that loveable you know, so what I really want to ask do you find Taehyung?"

I was really shocked by the turn of the event. I was silent. Jungkook grabbed the spoon tightly and inhaled sharply. Jungwoon on the other hand was watching us silently, confused of what was happening.

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