Happy Ending?

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"O-oppa? Why are you here?"
I asked Hobi oppa what he is doing here in SinB's apartment.

"W-well I just visited my girlfriend." He answered.

"Who is that Oppa?" I heard SinB yelled from the kitchen.

"Yerinie." Hobi oppa said as he opened the door wider for me to enter.

"Huh? Yerin unnie!" SinB run to hug me. I returned her hug tighter this time.

"Are you okay unnie?" SinB felt the emotion I felt and immediately asked me.

I didn't reply instead I sniffed and my tears continued to fall.

"Unnie? Come on tell me."

"What happened Yerinie?" Hobi oppa asked worriedly.

"I-i am scared. I-i d-don't k-know.what to do anymore SinB, Oppa." I let go of all my anguish.

"Tell us Yerin. We will help you." Oppa urged me as SinB guided me to the couch. I was still held by her embrace. Hobi oppa went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water. He handed it to me and I drank from it.

"O-oppa, whatever you hear. P-please keep it a secret. I beg you." Hobi looked at me confused but he nodded.

"I promised Yerinie." He said. SinB also nodded and squeezed my hand.

"Whatever it is unnie, I'll be here for you. Me and oppa." She assured me.

"T-thank you. T-today I went to the hospital because I don't feel well. When my result came in, I was found to be--"

"U-unnie you aren't dying aren't you?" SinB asked nervously.

"A-ani...SinB, Oppa, I am pregnant." Then I sobbbed.

"W-why? I mean what?!" SinB shouted in shock.

"Yes! I knew it would eventually happen!" Exclaimed Hobi oppa, I saw how SinB elbowed him. He grunted in pain.

"I mean, yeah..y-you're pregnant?" He asked while rubbing the sore area.

"Yes. I am and I don't know what to do."

"It's Jungkook's right?" Oppa questioned.

"Yes oppa. I am pregnant with Jungkook's child."

"So? Why are you afraid Yerin? We can all see that Jungkook has been all over you for quite some time now." He stated dumbfoundly.

"Of course your friend is together with Lisa now! Stupid!" SinB hit his head.

"Yah stop hitting me Hwang! Anyway, I guess you need to tell him Yerin. He has the right to know because he's the father."

"B-but what's the point oppa? Him and I can never be together. He can't leave Lisa and I can't bear to see Lisa be hurt." I lamented.

"So are you going to make another Jungwoon unnie? Do you want your child to grow up feeling lacking because he/she doesn't know who the father is?" SinB prodded.

"B-but what if he can't accept this SinB?" I voiced my worries.

"It's impossible Yerin considering how crazy in love he is with you. But in case he wouldn't accept your child, then we will take care of you and your child." Hobi oppa assured me.

"He better not make a wrong move unnie, I know Taehyung will be more than willing to keep you and your child." SinB stated while I blushed.

"Y-yah don't tell this to him."

"Wae?!" SinB pouted.

"I don't want to bother him." I just said.

"Just be selfish for a moment Yerin not for yourself but for your child. Stop considering other people's feeling first before yourself. You are living for another now." Hobi oppa advised me.

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