The Unexpected Kiss..

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I don't know why I have this unsettling feeling when I noticed that ot has been a couple of minutes that Taehyung hyung and Yerin have disappeared. I tried to just let it pass but I just can't take anymore. I excused myself and went to the kitchen and even the toilet, I did not find them. My feet carried me to the garden. What I saw caused my blood to boil. There in the swing were hyung and Yerin. I clenched my fist when I noticed that they were really closed and when hyung puts his fingers on her lips that put me to edge. I coldly approached them.

"Eherm! Sorry to disturb you V-Hyung and MS. JUNG YERIN.." Yerin was so shocked and instantly distanced herself from V hyung.

"O-oh Mr. Jeon, d-do you need anything?" She asked me blushing, unable to make eye contact.

"If you don't mind, I need to talk Taehyung hyung." I eyed Taehyung hyung coldly, he just raised an eyebrow.

"O-okay. I will leave you now Sir and Taehyung o-oppa." She bowed and turned to walk away. It is my turn now to raise an eyebrow when hyung smiled and bowed back to her.

"What is it now JK?"


"You decided to disturb us to say something to me right?" He said clearly unimpressed.

"Oh yeah? So I really disturb SOMETHING?" I tried to control the rising anger in me.

"What is it with you Jungkook? Spill it." He said, already annoyed.

"Stay away from my secretary hyung." There was an amount of silence after I said that.

"Ah-huh, are the two of you in a relationship? Or are you perhaps beginning to fall for her?" His question had me speecless for a while.

"No. But I just want you to leave her alone hyung. I told you before she is one of the best employees I've had. I don't want to be awkward with her when the time comes you will hurt her." I tried to use the same lame excuse because I myself cannot give a sane explanation of why I suddenly have this urge to keep Yerin away from him.

"What made you think I will hurt her Kook?"

"Come on hyung! If there's a person who plays with girls like I do, it would be you and Jimin hyung. You do not take girls or relationship seriously."

"That is because I have not  yet found the woman that I have been looking for Jungkook. Just like you before Lisa you used to play a lot. But when she came you knew what love was like." Je said softly. I immediately looked at him and I felt my heart suddenly felt heavy. I nervously asked him.

"D-you you think Yerin is the one?" I held my breath waiting for his answer.

"I don't know yet. But she had a different effect on me among all the girls I've met. I seem to like everything about her. I want to take things slowly this time." I don't know why but his answer burdened me.

"I-i still don't think that is a good idea hyu-" he cut me off.

"Tell me honestly JK, if you are liking her, just tell me now so that I will not get in the way with the two of you. But if you don't have even the tiniest amount of interest in her then I will tell you now that I plan on pursuing her." He told me finally. I don't know what to answer. I am sure that I am not interested with her because I am still inlove with Lisa right? But why do I want to say YES just for hyung to stay away from her? But it would be unfair for her and hyung right?

"I-i--- okay just promise me you will not mess this up hyung." I saw him smile but my heart suddenly felt really heavy.

"Okay. I will pursue friendship with her first and just see where it would lead us. Come on, let's go back inside." Despite the heaviness I felt I followed him.

The party continues and I didn't realize  that I lost count of how many cans of beer I have already consumed. I finally looked around and found my friends in various form of being drunk. I too started to feel dizzy. When my eyes caught sight of Yerin trying to stop a drunken Taehyung from drinking his beer I feel a tiny pang of jealousy.  I continued drinking while still eyeing the pair. I finally saw hyung doze off while Yerin is laying him in the sofa carefully. Sowon noona and Jin hyung and Yewon have long been asleep. Yuju, Hobi hyung, SinB and Eunha are still having fun singing and dancing clearly drunk already while Suga and Namjoon hyung are sprawled in the couch side by side. The only sober among us is Yerin. Jimin is tipsy just like me but I noticed him looking intently at Taehyung and Yerin.

"What should I do now." I heard Yerin muttered while looking at the scenario.

"Yuju-ah, SinB-ah, Eunha-ya let's go home now. You are already drunk." She approached them.

"Ehhhh unnie you are really killjoy! I still want to party!" Einha said.

"Let's sleep here in unnie please." Yuju said who is now lying on the carpeted floor.

"Right Yerin, let's just sleep here. I'ts not safe to drive with them drunk." Jimin said. I saw Yerin sighed and nodded. I just continued drowning myself with beer not minding everyone.


I am starting to worry for everyone in the room. Everyone was drunk. I am the only one who remained sober. I looked around and notice Jungkook still drinking. Cans are piling up near him. Everyone was now sleeping. Yuju and Eunha on the carpeted floor. Jimin on the recliner. SinB is cuddled in Hobi's arms. I approached Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ah stop drinking." I got the can out of his grip.

"Aish! G-give me that! Who a-are you?" He squinted his eyes.

"Yerin. Stop it. You are drunk. Come on." I tried again to reached for the beer. But he keep on resisting.

"Come on Jungkook, let's sleep now!"

"Damn! I would love that! I l-love sleeping with beautiful woman-" I covered his mouth before he cpuld sprout any nonsense but what he did made me lose my mind. He suddenly pulled me forcefully. I am now sitting on his lap in a very uncomfortable position. Our faces are an inch from each other. When I tried to stand and distance myself, he tightened his hold on me and lean in.

"Stop moving Yerin!" He whispered in my ears that sent an electricity to my senses.

"L-let me go Jeon Jungkook!" I wiggled out of his hold.

"Hmmmm say my name again!" He said while looking at me intently.

"What? Jus--"

"Say it again Yerin-ah!"

"No I won--ohh shit! Jungkook!!!" My eyes widened because he, this bastard bit my earlobe lightly!

"There you said it! Sorry but I can't resist it anymore. You just look so sexy tonight!" With that the world seemed to stop moving when I felt him kissing me! He keep on moving his lips, it is the smack type of kiss. It's a deep kiss. I cannot process everything. I just cannot move. When he started pushing his tongue to ask for entrance, I was finally awoken from trance and with all my remaining energy I pushed him hard.

"WHAT THE HELL JEON JUNGKOOK!" I yelled at him. I felt myself tremble from mixed emotions.

"I am sorry Yerin." He mumbled before he succumbed to exhaustion. I was left with conflicted emotion. I felt angry for not fully resisting when I can. I also felt humiliated. Sorry? Shit! I feel so cheap! I went back to the farthest part of the sofa and cried myself out hoping that what happened tonight is just a dream. That he would not remember this tomorrow.

"Stupid! You are so stupid Yerin-ah!"

Just a short chapter for all of you guys.

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