Welcome to Tokyo ❤

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"Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. Our flight is ready for departure.

I was getting so immense in listening to my music when I feel someone tapped my arm. I look to my right and saw my boss looking at me, frowning. I removed the accessory on my ear.

"Yes Mr. Jeon?"

"Let me remind you for the last time Yerin, call me Mr. Jeon again and I'll make sure to shut you up using my lips." He warned me. I gulped.

"What is it Jungkook?" He smiled.

"That's my good girl." I removed his hand that patted my head.

"Shut it! I'm not your dog." He chuckled.

"You're cute, you remind me of one. Anyway, I want to tell you that when we arrived there, you are not allowed to go far from my side."

"Eh? Of course, what am I suppose to do there aside from accompanying you wherever you go. You're my boss." I said as a matter of fact.

"Good. Now let's listen to music and sleep." I nodded and put the earphones back when he held my hand.

"What?" I asked him and he frowned.

"I said, LET'S listen to music. Come on let me share a headset with you." He demanded.

"Yah! Get your own. I don't wanna share."

"No. I want us to share. Come on, I want to rest." I still want to argue but I just handed one to him.

"You don't even want my music choice Mr--I mean Jungkook." I hastily corrected when look at me

"I don't care. Come on." I rolled my eyes when he said that.

"You have a lot of money but you can't even buy a headset?" I pouted. He just smiled slyly.

"I can afford but I want to share it with you Yerin. Now be quiet, I want to sleep." Then he lay his head on my shoulder. I was shocked and started pushing his heavy head away but to no avail.

"Yah Jeon! Get your big and heavy head off me! I'm not your pillow."

"Not gonna happen. Quit struggling love, let me sleep." That somehow shut me up. L-love???! What the heck is his problem.

"Y-yah! Get off me or else--"

"You quit struggling or I'm gonna smack your pretty lips with mine."

"Let's see if  you can-"

"You know that I can definitely do that Yerin." He warns me. I badly want to argue but I know I can't win him this time. I inhaled deeply and relaxed but not before I reached out and pinched his arms.

"Ouch! The hell was that for Jung Yerin?!" He hissed while rubbing his bruised skin.

"Oh! That was nothing Jeon Jungkook. Now shut up and sleep." I happily said. He pouted but then put his head on my shoulder and then put on the other side of the headset. I don't want to admit but our position somehow sends a feeling of contentment in me. I can feel his soft breath in my neck that somehow tickles me. If I say I am not having crush on him, then I would be lying. Yes folks, I, Jung Yerin is somehow having a crush òn my boss. But I know, this is a bad idea. I must not entertain this kind of feeling. I am out of his league. He is a broken man whose heart is bound to be fixed only by a certain woman. Lalisa Manoban. This thought brought a little ache in her heart.


I don't know how long I was sleeping but when I woke up I feel Yerin's head on top of mine. I move slowly to not disturb her. I carefully put her head on my chest and wrap my arm around her waist. I heard her softly sigh in comfort. This evoked a certain longing in my heart. How long had it been since he last felt this kind of feeling. I was so deep into my own thought that I didn't notice my hand holding her hand.

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