Three Jungkooks

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It has been a week after Hobi oppa's birthday and I must say things get pretty great. I can say we really became close friends especially us girls. We even call ourselves "Gfriend" which earned a laugh from the boys. They only stopped when Sowon unnie threatened to kill them of they wont stop. For me, I must say I have two conflicting things that happened. First, Taehyung oppa and I became super close, we text and talk almost every night. We also hang out last night. I am happy with our friendship. I know that I am starting to really like him. On the other hand, I am really confused with Jungkook's reaction and mood swings these days. Sometimes, he treats me as a friend, sometimes he likes to annoy the hell out of me and sometimes he treats me as if I did something wrong to him. I don't really understand him.

"Ms. Jung, in the office now!" I was startled when I heard his voice. Well I guess, he is now in his third personality. By the  way here is how I defned him in his 3 personalities.

1. The Friend Jungkook- when is sweet and kind, calls me Yerin/Yerin-ah

2. The Jerk JK- when he annoys and teases me, when he calls me Yenie, Mommy, Babe, Love (ewwww)

3. The Monster Boss- when he is just an asshole, calls me Ms. Jung or Jung Yerin.

I sighed and entered his office, there I saw him busy signing papers..

"Mr. Jeon." I politely bowed. He did not even bother to look at me.

"Ms. Jung, I want you to reproduce this file here and hand 5 copies to Ms. Ahn." I got the documents he handed me.

"Okay sir. Would that be all?" I asked him.

"Yes." He answered shortly. I just bowed and went to the door when he suddenly stopped me.

"Wait Yerin!" I raise and eyebrow, so he transitioned to his second self huh?

"Yes Jungkook?" He smiled.

"Where are you going for lunch?" He sheepishly asked. I am taken aback by his question. It is my turn now to smile sheepishly and shyly.

"Ahhh I--Taehyung oppa asked me to have lunch with him." I don't know why but his smile faded and his aura became dark.

"Hmmmm okay." He said and went back to what he is doing. I just bowed and went out.

"What's wrong with him and Taehyung oppa?" I asked myself and the shrugged and busied myself with my work.


"Damn it! Why do you care Jungkook!" I stopped what I am doing and leaned on the chair. I mess my hair. I am frustrated and confused. After our kiss that night, I cannot look at Yerin the same way before it happened. Yes, I remembered the kiss. It was way too good to be forgotten. Everytime my eyes landed on her, I have to restrain myself from kissing her again. Am I starting to like her?

No! You are just sexually frustrated Jungkook! Just get a woman and get laid! I am convincing myself that this is the reason.

"Is that really the reason why Jungkook? Because if it is, then why do you keep getting frustrated everytime you hear Taehyung's name?" My evil conscience is asking me. I am starting to worry that I am going crazy just because of that stupid kiss!

"What if you kiss her again and see for yourself what you honestly feel for her." No! This is a stupid idea. No! No! No! Stop thinking about her Jungkook! She is not your type, right! She is cute not charismatic. She is just pretty not that gorgeous! She's way too loud! She is too warm and genuine, you want women who are cold and mysterious right? I am starting to calm my nerves.

"Okay Jeon Jungkook. You don't care about whoever that Jung Yerin spend her lunch and time with! Psshh I could care less if she lives with that stupid, ugly, stinky Kim Taehyung." I congratulated myself proudly after coming with that great decision.

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