You Are Mine

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"This bed is too wide for us to even touched each other so why are you going to stay in the couch Yerin?" I was dumbfounded looking at her arguing over such a simple matter.

"Because a man and a woman shouldn't be sharing bed Jungkook." She reasoned.

"As if I am going to rape you! We are just going to sleep in the bed nothing more, nothing less. Unless you want us to do something else beyond sleeping?" I teased and she blushed at what I am referring to.

"Pervert!" She spat and throw me a pillow.

"Hahaha..okay promise I will not do anything. I will try to be very respectful of our space. We can use these pillows as separator." I bargained.

"Respectful your ass! You even kissed me without warning!" She glared at me but I know I'm winning this argument.

"Because you didn't follow the rule. I said stop calling me Mr. Jeon. I felt so old and it felt like you are calling my dad!" I grimaced at the idea.

"Touch me and you're dead Jeon Jungkook! Understand?" She finally gave in.

"Pshhh as if you're sexy and pretty enough to even catch my attention." I said and rolled my eyes. "I'm a Jeon and I can have woman even in a blink of an eye if I wanted to."

"Really? Good for you then idiot!" She said and gathers all the throw pillows and piled it in the middle of the bed. I continued unpacking while she got her bathroom supplies and went inside to take a bath.


I made sure to lock the bathroom door and undressed. I need to freshen up. I felt myself sulking because of what that jerk said a while ago. I look myself in the mirror.

"Am I really not pretty enough? But I remembered being always voted as classroom muse when I was still a student. Wherever I go, there's always handsome men who often ask for my number! I was even called DollRin by my friends! What the fuck is wrong with that Jungkook's eye sight???!  Then I turn around and inspect my body.

"Well about sexiness I am more on the fleshy sexy proportion. It depends upon what you percieve as sexy. But if there's a thing I'm confident enough, it's my skin and my legs. Damn that Jeon Jungkook and his cheap taste! B-but why am I validating myself for him in the first place?! Yah Jung Yerin, stop being crazy!

With that I turned on the shower and started getting ready. After having my rituals done, I got the towel and proceeded on drying myself but..

Shit! I forgot to bring my clothes! I was so upset by what he said that I only brought a towel and bathrobe.


After contemplating for a whole minute, I finally decided to just go out, afterall he won't mind right? He doesn't even find me PRETTY AND SEXY at all.

He has his back facing me as he was still unpacking some of his things. I slowly approached the end of the bed where my folded clothes are. I could just get in and run back without him noticing. But luck in not on my side when he turn to look at me.

"What are you doing?" He said, then gulped.

"I forgot to bring my clothes inside the bathroom. Excuse me." I said and hastily went inside the bathroom. I was so embarrassed. I look at myself in the mirror and I am red all over my face and neck.

"Shit! She is so sexy." I shook my head repeatedly to get rid of the picture of her in her bathrobe that reached only in her mid thigh. Her cleavage that slightly shown when she bends to get the clothes. Her sparkling and flawless skin. Her round and soft legs.

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