The Deal

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After our lunch with hyung, we rode in a car and I was itching to ask Yerin if she remembers the kiss, because at this point I am starting to doubt whether or not the kiss did happen.


"Yes?" She looked at me with questioning eyes.

"That night in Hobi hyung's house, do you remember something?" I saw her paled and gulped.


"About something that we might did?" I decided to just ask to answer my curiosity.

"Huh? I-i don't think we did something out of ordinary." She is stuttering.

"Are you sure? Did we not KISS?" I saw her hitched her breath.

Please say YES Yerin. I am holding my breath. I am nervous.

"K-kiss?! No! We did not. A-and why should we do that? Are you crazy?" She said and looked away. I am suddenly disappointed by her answer

"Really? But why do I remember how sweet your lips-"

"It never happened Jungkook. You were just hallucinating that night." She stood firmly by her statement. I sighed.

"Okay. Good. I am happy if it did not really happen." I saw her hesitate for a while but then she ask me. I can see a bit of resentment in her eyes.

"Why?" She ask in almost a whisper.

"Because if I did kiss you, then I will want to do it again, this time sober. So that I can finally stop this urge to kiss you everytime I see you." I saw the blush that paint her white skin.

"T-then I am safe." She said without looking at me.

"Don't feel safe just yet Yerin. I still want to kiss you just so you know Babe." I teased her.

"Shut up Mr. Jeon."

"Another thing, the next time you call me Mr. Jeon outside office, I will consider it as an invitation for me to kiss you. Understand?"

"What?!" She half yelled, half whispered.

"You heard me loud and clear Baby." I said. Before she can say anything I parked the car and she hastily got out of the car. I laughed inwardly seeing her fuming in anger. I whistled and walk happily. Other employees are eyeing me curiously. They seldom see me happy.

Jungkook let's meet tonight at Gentlemen's Club. Let's have a DRINK.

I furrowed my eyebrows after reading V hyung's mesagge. I know him enough to know what Let's have a drink mean. We have something serious to talk about. I know this has sonething to do with the woman I might have a crush with. There I finally I said it.

"Babe, call me when it's time to go home." I continued to teased her some more when we arrived in the office. She didn't say anything, I know I annoyed her enough.

I lost track of the time, I only look up when I heard a knock on my door then a soft click followed.

"Mr. Jeon--" I smiled when she suddenly halted. "We are in the office. So Mr. Jeon, time go home." She continued and even before I can say something she closed and the door.
When I went out, she already left. I saw her with SinB. I just went ahead to my car and drove to Gentlemen's Club.

After an hour I arrived at the said place. It is owned by Jimin's cousin.

"Good evening Mr. Jeon. Mr. Kim is waiting for you in the VIP room." The guard informed me. I nodded.

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