Part 20

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I was still in shock.  He told me that he had known for years that he was dead ill.  That's why he wanted to get in touch with me again.  He wanted to connect with me as much time as possible.

His wife didn't know that he was sick.

I felt guilty.  I felt even more guilty when I got home.  My husband and child weren't home.  I called him and he said he was in the hospital.  My son was not doing well.
Feeling guilty towards Sahel and towards my son.  It was too much!

I ran to him as quickly as possible.  My son was in intensive care.

Me: "What happened?"
My husband: "He wasn't feeling well.  He called mom.  I went to him.  He had a fever and vomited. "
Me: "Where is the doctor ...?  I have to speak to him immediately. "

I was confused.  Was afraid for my son but also felt guilty.

The doctor finally came to us.  Said my son still has to stay in intensive care units.  His condition is not yet stable.

Me: "What does he have?"
Doctor: "We still have to carry out checks.  But it is not poisoning or a normal cold! "
Me: "That means what?"
Doctor: "I don't want to say anything before I didn't check up .  Did he have problems puking up?  Could he go to the toilet?I mean, does he go to the toilet regularly?"

I looked at my husband.  I was seldom home.  I did not know it.  I was a bad mother!

My husband: "Doctor, we both work so hard.  We didn't control it.  And my mother, who takes care of him, said nothing! "

He lied!

We were in the hospital for several days.  My son was treated in a controlled manner.

We heard from the doctor that my son had increased intracranial pressure, a disease that has progressed so far that he is now in a vegetative state.  He said the cause was a brain tumor.  He asked us if we allow him to make an operation.  It would be very critical for him in this state... But it was necessary!

We were too late.  If we had known beforehand, he could be better helped.  This made me sad and angry at the same time.  I neglected my son.  I was very, very sad about it.

We have been in the hospital for several weeks now.  My cell phone ran out of battery and I never went home.  I even forgot Sahel.  But he not!

When we finally got home after many weeks, and my cell phone finally had full battery again, I received a lot of notifications.  Everything from Sahel.  He was worried. 
I called him....

Sahel: "Where are you?  Am I really worried?  Or did you leave me without telling me?  I said I'm sick, have little time to live and you go?!?! "

I explained everything to him and told him that my son was still in the hospital.  He would need 24 hour care.  I also tried to explain how important he was to me and that the situation is more than unbearable for me.  He understood that.  This was a relief to me.  But I didn't really know ... Sahel needed me as well as my son.

I met Sahel now and then for just a few hours.  My cell phone was always charged and next to me.  I always had to be available.  This was very, very important to me.

Few days later....

I was standing in the hallway ... next to my son's room.  I cried and prayed.  Everything will be fine ... I was hoping.

My husband: "Mihi?"
Me: "Yes?"
He: "How is he?"
Me: "Who?  Our son ?"
He: "No!  How is Sahel doing? "

I was shocked !

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