Character Headcanon

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-There's green streak on his hair.
-He have a blob that follows him around. (It would usually be in the hoodie he tied on his waist
-He have two lime green hoodie. Both of them are from Dream but his first hoodie he mistakenly thought it was from Philza as it was from his childhood.
-Sometimes he will wear the hoodie. But most of the time he tied them on his waist.
-He have a small blob plushie. (He put them next to his pillow.)
-He have heterochromia. (His left eye color is sky blue, and his right is emerald green.)
-Tommy enjoys talking with "Clay"
-Tommy hides his wings from Dream. He uses a cape to hide it. (He hide it from Dream because he's afraid that Dream might chopped them off since it's his third prize possession. First is his disc ofc. Second the blob and his locket. Third, his wings.)
-Ranboo's childhood friend.
-He gave Ranboo a purple and red flower bookmark.
-Only Philza, Techno, Wilbur/Ghostbur, Tubbo and Ranboo knows about him having a pair of wings.


-He make a compass that points on the direction of Tommy. (After he found him for the second time ).
-He got green streak on his hair.
-He have a picture of him and Tommy and he put them next to his bed. (Before Drista was born)
-Whenever he did something terrible towards Tommy, he sent a letter to him and sign it with "Clay" literally his real name.
-Everytime Dream met Tommy, he have an urge to hug him but he hold them back.
-Sapnap and George knows about Dream having a little Brother.
-He also have heterochromia. (Left eye emerald green, right eye ruby red.)
-Constantly get controlled by his alter ego, Lucid. (Nightmare is the opposite of Dream in my au and he have nothing to do with Dream's manipulative stuffs)
-He often call Sapnap as Pandas and George as Gogy when he feel like it.


-He's a caring brother.
-Protects his brothers 24/7.
-Always in potato farm, farming potatoes.
-Helps Philza most of the time
-Eye color is blood red.
-Hunts a lot.
-Whenever Wilbur/Ghostbur braids his hair, he will tell him about some of his adventures. Sometimes fall asleep while waiting Wilbur/Ghostbur to finish braiding his hair.
-Long hair.


-Singer of the family.
-He enjoys listening to Techno's story when he braid his hair.
-Would sing to make Tommy or Techno fall asleep.
-Would stay beside Tommy when he got a nightmare and tries to calm him down with his song/lullaby.
-Helps Techno with his potato farm
-Looks after Tommy whenever Techno and Phil is not around.
-He would stay still if any of his siblings sleep's on him.

꧁Philza Minecraft꧂

-Whenever it's raining or snowing, he uses his wings to protect his sons and himself from it.
-Loves his sons equally.
-He would always try to pay attention on all of them.
-He took care of Friend when Ghostbur is not around.
-Very patient.
-His right (or left) wing is damaged when he's Protecting Wilbur from the explosions.
-Couldn't accept the fact that he had to kill his own son.
-Told Awesamdude to take care of Tommy when he's not there.


-He's still sad after his dad died.
-He lives alone.
-He have a small doll of his dad and a plushie of a salmon. He put them on his book shelves, above his nightstand.
-He usually hangs out with the Dream team.
-He enjoys talking with Dream as it makes him accompanied.
-He spend most of his times with Ghostbur talking about his day.
-He can shape shift into three form: fully fox (the animal), fully fox (human version), human (but with ears and tail).


-Hangs out with Tommy a lot.
-When Tommy's not around he would hang out with Ranboo.
-Would try to help Ranboo on things that he could do.
-Very supportive towards his friends.


-He can teleport without using ender pearl and can bring someone with him while teleporting.
-He likes watching bees.
-He likes the flower forest or biome. (Just in this Au.)
-Enjoys the night sky while sitting o top of the tree.
-He didn't remember Tommy and his past, but he always keeps the bookmark Tommy once gave him.
-He learns to make flower crowns from Tommy.


-Would try to help Dream find his younger brother.
-He would be there for Dream.
-Whenever he's lonely, he will ask either Karl or Quackity or both to accompany him.
-BBH's son. (It's just for this au I guess).
-Half fire demon. (Or something like that)
-When he's really mad and frustrated he will fully turn into a fire demon.
-Sapnap can not have any contact with water.
-How he bath? With flowing Lava as that doesn't hurt him.


-Would try to help Dream find his brother.
-He wears his colorblind glasses almost all the time.
-He would usually go to the flower biome to calm himself.
-He enjoys birding or birdwatching.
-He, Sapnap and Dream are childhood friends.


-Father of Sapnap.
-In current relationship with Skeppy.
-He can change himself into human form and his demon self.
-Protects Sapnap every now and then.
-He's half demon, he stop ageing.
-Knows about healing magic.
- When he's in his demon form, it'll take a lot of energy, when he's sick, he can't stay in the form for too long or he'll faint. (Same thing goes to the others who can shape shift)
-Human version of BBH is shorter than human version of Skeppy. (Cuz I can.heheheendmethrowmeinalake)


-Gifted Dream a tiny piece of Emerald.
-Wanted to be more social able towards Dream but he got no courage.


-Father of Sapnap.
-He can change anything he touch into diamond when he shape shift.

The others, are just the same as what they are in the SMP, I couldn't change much about them, but, I hope you guys enjoy my first Dream SMP fanfiction. I hope you guys have a great day and stay safe and happy (if you're not, then, it's fine). Also, please don't hate me, it's just an AU. I forget to add, Tommy and Dream have wings. Drista might be in the story. Dream never show his wings but he once show it to Puffy so she is the only one who know about Dream having a pair of wings.


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