❦︎𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘❦︎

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"Dream!!! Over here!!" Sapnap shouted. He waved at Dream while George only look at his two friends.

"Hey you two, what's up?" Dream said, waving slightly at his two friends. He sits next to George while Sapnap sit across them.

"Nothing much, I just entertain myself. Sapnap literally tripped over a tree root." George explained, Sapnap blushed and looks away embarrassed by what George said. Dream snorted, trying not to laugh.

"Stop, it wasn't funny... It still hurts and FOR YOUR INFORMATION, it's still bleeding." Sapnap said.

"Well, if you wasn't being careless, this wouldn't happen!" George said. Not long after, they started fighting. The tip of Sapnap's hair started to glow like fire. Dream seems to notice Sapnap's hair changes.

"Okay, okay, cut it out the both of you. Let's just do our stuff before it rains." Breaking the fight between Sapnap and George. Eventually, Sapnap's hair turn back to normal. The three boys took out their books and started to scribble in it. Dream finished his work fast. He took out his phone and texted Techno.


Hey, Techno>

<What is it, Dream?

How's Tommy?>

<He's great, going to get discharge today.

That's a great news!>

Dream smiled, still watching his phone. Suddenly, raindrop started to pour from the clouds. Dream noticed a raindrop had fallen onto his hand.

"Uh- Sapnap, George, it's gonna start raining soon- I think we better find a place to take shelter from the rain, as soon as possible." Dream said in a panic tone. The two boys pack up their belongings and started to run to find a shelter. While they're still trying to find a shelter, the rain started to get heavy. The three boys run even more faster, as Dream and George are both feeling drenched Sapnap could feel both drenched and hurt. Sapnap couldn't take it anymore, he stopped and hides under a big tree, hoping it would make him less hurt.

"Dream! Over there! There's a hut, we can take shelter there!" George shouted, pointing to the direction of a hut. Dream nodded. As they arrive at the hut, they immediately sat down because they are tired.

"Well that was unexpected." Dream said, he looks around but he couldn't find Sapnap with them.

"Wait, where's Sapnap?!" Dream panicked. George shakes his head. He had no idea where Sapnap is.

"Stay here! I'm gonna go find him!" Dream said. George didn't say anything, he just nod.

"Sapnap!!! Where are you, Pandas!!!" Dream shouted. As he runs further, he found Sapnap sitting under a tree, hugging himself.

"Pandas!!! Are you alright?!" Dream asked him, no answer.

"Pandas?..." Dream tap over his friend's shoulder. Sapnap falls down, unconscious. Dream panicked. He took off his hoodie, leaving him with a sleeveless black turtleneck and his fingerless gloves. He covers Sapnap with his hoodie and carries him to the hut. (piggy back style.)

"Sap!! Dre!!" George exclaimed as he seen both of his friends. The look of worry plastered on his face.

"Is he alright?" George ask as Dream lay Sapnap down in the hut.

꧁𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣꧂[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now