✯ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝔹𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕪✯

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Alright, so, previous chapter is night, this chapter is the next day. That's all, I hope you will enjoy. 

The family sits on the dining table, eating their breakfast. Tommy seems to be bothered by something, he barely eat nor touch his breakfast. (Their having pancakes by the way.)

"Tommy, is everything okay?" Philza ask. Tommy didn't have a response. Wilbur nudge Tommy's arm to get his attention. He looks at Wilbur.

"What?" He said, and Wilbur tilt his head towards Philza, signalling him to look at him and answer his question.

"Sorry, Dadza, I zoned out." Tommy said. Phil chuckled and repeat his question again.

"It's fine Tommy, anyway, is everything okay?" Philza ask him again.

"I'm fine." Tommy said as he zoned out again. He couldn't stop thinking and Wonder about the Enderman whom he called as Ranboo. After a few moments, he eventually eats his food.

'Should I introduce Ranboo to everyone? Hmm... I'll ask Ranboo if he's fine with me introducing him to my adoptive family...' Tommy thought. As soon as they finish eating breakfast, Tommy goes to the living room, laying on the couch still thinking about introducing his new friend.

"Where did you go last night, Tommy?" Philza ask. Tommy sit down, allowing Philza to sit on the couch.

"Promise me you will not tell anyone." He looks at Phil. Philza nods as an answer, and he begin to explain what happened the night he was gone. He told Philza that he wanted to meet the Enderman again. Philza smiles and pats his head. He told him that, there he doesn't mind Tommy having an Enderman as a friend.

"Dadza, I want to play outside." Tommy said. Philza nod and he allow Tommy to play outside and he told him to be back before it gets too dark. Tommy nod and goes outside to play. Phil got up and goes to check on Wilbur and Techno. He goes to their shared room and opens the door. Wil is braiding Techno's hair, who seems to be asleep. Phil chuckled and walks to the reading room.

With Tommy.꧂

He walks into the woods, and he called for Ranboo. Ranboo appears in front of him and he gives Tommy a small piece of diamond symbolizing it as friendship. Tommy looks at the diamond and put it in his pocket. Ranboo held out his hand and Tommy happily grab his hand. They teleports to a place that is filled with flowers and some wild berries. It looks calming. He looks at Ranboo in absolute awe. They wander the flower forest. Tommy collect some flowers to make some flower crown. Memories came back to him, he remembered that Clay often teach him how to make flower crown. They have so much fun together. He missed the happy moments he spent with his older brother. A moment pass amd they sit next to each other. Tommy's making a flower crown for Ranboo. He watches Tommy making the flower crown in awe. When he finishes making it, he places it on Ranboo's head.

"Do you like it?" Tommy asked and Ranboo nods as answer. Tommy smiled.

"Ranboo..." Tommy said and it caught the Enderman's attention. He tilts his head.

"Can I introduce you to my adoptive family?" Tommy ask him. Ranboo shrugs and looks away. Tommy notice that Ranboo isn't ready to be known among the adoptive family other than Tommy.

"Hey, Ranboo, you can tell me when you're ready or comfortable to meet my adoptive family." Tommy said. Ranboo nods. They spend some time and Tommy eventually fall asleep. Ranboo carries the smaller male on his back and teleports him to his house. He then knock the door and left after placing Tommy in front of the main door. Philza opens the door and saw Tommy sleeping on the ground. He carefully brings the child into the house and closes the door. He goes to Wilbur and Techno's shared room and puts Tommy gently on the bed. Techno come out from the reading room walks towards Phil.

"Who was that?" He ask.

"Well, it's Tommy, he fall asleep on the front door." Philza said. Techno nods and goes back to the reading room.

Dream's pov

Dream feels sick since several days ago... His back hurts so bad it's like something is going to burst out from his body... He walks towards his adoptive mother's room and knock on the door.

"Come in." She said from the other side of the door. He enters her room and saw her reading a book on her bed. She pats the spot next to her and he walks walks towards her. He climbs on her bed and sits next to her, placing his head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong Dream? Is something bothering you?" She ask him. He nods slowly as an answer.

"Well, my back hurts so badly since several days ago..." He said. He scoot closer to her and hugs her. Dream is very happy that he meet her, she's very nice to him and his sister, but... He miss his little brother. He feel her hand patting back back gently. To him feels nice and soothing for a split second. Suddenly, he feel a very painful feeling on his back. He cries and hugs Puffy tightly. Notices that he is in pain, she hugs him back tightly and tries her best to comfort him.

"Clay, you'll be alright, I'm right here, mama's right here with you." She said in a very gentle soothing voice. He closes his eyes as he couldn't bear the pain, it feels like being stab for a multiple times from the inside. His back hurts so much and he don't think he can handle them anytime soon. The feeling of lightheadedness is unbearable and he feels like he's going to pass out soon. His sight is clouded both from crying and the lightheadedness. Eventually, something came out from his back and he pass out. Puffy places Dream down so he can lay down. She was still in shock after what she had witnessed. A pair of beautiful white wings attached on Dream's back. She smiles and pats Dreams head.

"Don't worry my little duckling, you'll be alright. Mama Puffy is always here for you little duckling." She said and kisses his forehead. Puffy continue reading her book and keeps patting Dreams head.

Time skip (Tommy's pov)

Days went pass by and Tommy and Ranboo often play together almost every day. Ranboo's sighting become even more often. Techno and Wilbur gets very suspicious on Tommy, so they watches Tommy playing outside, at first they could only see Tommy. And then, a few seconds later, they see a very weird looking Enderman. Tommy doesn't seem to be showing any reaction of scared. In fact, he seems excited, he runs towards the weird-looking Enderman and holds it's hand and disappear in thin air. Wilbur and Techno is lost of words.

Tommy's pov

He and Ranboo plays again in the forest and have some fun. Tommy is making a small flower crown for his blob. He had introduce his blob to Ranboo a few days ago. Ranboo doesn't mind the blob's existance. In fact, he likes the blob.

"Hey Ranboo." Tommy called and the Enderman tilts it's head, looking at Tommy.

"Are you ready to meet my adoptive family? I want to introduce you to them." Tommy said, Ranboo thinks for a while and nods. Ranboo held out one hand and they teleport back to Tommy's adoptive family's house. Tommy runs towards the door while holding on Ronboo's hand, he then knocks on the door and looks at Ranboo with a reasuring smile, he then opens the door.

"I'm home!!!" He shouts alerting the people in the house. Tommy told Ranboo to stay in the living room, while he go and get his family members. After gathering everyone in the living room. Techno and Wilbur seems to be preparing to attack Ranboo.

"Wait! Please don't attack me friend! Techno, Wilby and Dadza, meet my new friend, Ranboo!" Tommy chirp happily. Techno and Wilbur could only nod on what Tommy said. Tommy explains on how they meet and he shows what Ranboo gave him when they first meet. 

Alright, sorry for the long wait. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Next chapter will be time skip to high school the first time after years since Tommy, Drista and Dream last meet. Dream and Drista wears mask. 

Spoilers for next chapter.

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