☁︎𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞'𝕤 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘☁︎

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Ever since Tommy meet Lucid about a week ago, he could feel the demon's presence. Almost like he is following and watching every single daily activity that Tommy does, such as hanging out with Tubbo and Ranboo, receiving letters from Dream, to SBI family gathering. It really annoy Tommy but he ignore the demon. He didn't know what Lucid is planning to do but he doesn't give a shit.

'What the fuck is wrong with that bitch. Like, does he not have anything to do with his life??? Bruh, go bother someone else. Sheesh.' Tommy though, clearly is very irritated by the demon's presence.

"Tommy? You okay there bud?" A voice call him. He looks up to found that Sapnap is calling him.

"Are you okay? You seem bothered?" Sapnap ask, quite concerned about the younger male. Tommy took a deep breath and smile.

"I'm perfectly fine! Also, have you seen Tubbo or Ranboo anywhere? I want to talk with them." Tommy said, looking directly at Sapnap.

"Eh, I don't know where Tubbo is, but I do see Ranboo, but when I greet him, he didn't answer me, and his eye color is quite different if you ask me. If I'm not mistaken, he is heterochromatic like you. And, if I'm not mistaken, he is carrying an Allium flower." Sapnap said, still wondering about why Ranboo act so differently. Usually, Ranboo would greet back if anyone greet him.

"Sapnap, what color is his eye color?" Tommy ask, his voice is plastered with concern. It could only mean one and only one thing, Ranboo is in his Enderman state.

"Purple, both of them and his purple particles is like, double his normal when he teleport." Sapnap said.

"Thank you Sapnap, and uh, which direction did he go?" Tommy ask, and Sapnap just shake his head not really knowing where did Ranboo teleported. So it could mean either Ranboo goes to the flower biome or to Philza's house or Techno's. Whenever Ranboo is in his Enderman state, he would go to the place he is comfortable with.

"Thank you Sapnap, it really helps, BYEEE!!!!" Tommy said and runs to the opposite direction of Sapnap. The older male smiled and shake his head.

'Hype as always.' Sapnap though, as he continue to walk to meet Quackity.

Time Skip

"Ranboo!!! Ranboo!!! Where are you?!!" Tommy shouted, he arrived in a flower biome where he and Ranboo always hang out to make flower crowns or just to collect flowers. Then, a creature appear behind Tommy. The creature extended his hand to Tommy's shoulder, scaring the blondette male. He turn around to find Ranboo, still in his Enderman state. He sigh and grabbed Ranboo's hand drag him and sit in front of the half and half Enderman. He pats down on the ground in front of him, signalling Ranboo to sit. Ranboo take a seat in front of him, Tommy extended his right hand to Ranboo and grab Ranboo's right hand, matching the bigger hand to his. Philza has thought him some way to wake Ranboo up from his Enderman state. It's either wait to him to wake up on his own but make sure he never left you, or stay with him and do some memory exercise. (Okay, remember last chapter where Tommy did the memory exercise with Ranboo? That time, Ranboo is about to slip into his Enderman state. I hope this explain. Also, sorry if it's cringe.) Slowly, Ranboo slip out of his Enderman state, his eye color slowly fade back to it's heterochromatic colors.

"Oh, Tommy, hi? Oh! I found you an Allium flower, I wanted to give it to you." Ranboo said, taking out the Allium flower he found earlier. He was planning to give it to Tommy but somehow he slip into his Enderman state. He handed Tommy the flower and smile. Tommy accepted the flower and keep them.

"Thanks for the flower." Tommy said.

"Your welcome!" Ranboo said and smile brightly. Possibly brighter than the sun itself.

"Anyways, let's go find Tubbo, I want you show the both of you something. But first, I gotta go to my home, I want grab something." Tommy said, grabbing Ranboo's hand and they teleport to Tommy's house.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." Tommy said and take out the Allium flower and keep it in his Enderchest. He then take Dream's hoodie and tie it on his waist. He grab the blob and put it in the pocket of the hoodie and walk back to Ranboo.

"Okay let's go-" Tommy bumped into someone. He look up to see his brother.

"Tommy, who's that?" Ranboo ask looking straight at Dream.

"Ranboo, meet my brother, Clay. Clay, meet my adoptive brother, Ranboo." Tommy said, smiling happily.

"Hi Clay, it's nice meeting you." Ranboo said smiling softly and wave slightly.

"Hi Ranboo, it's nice meeting you too, can I borrow Tommy for a bit? I have to tell him something. And, thank you for taking care of this small gremlin." Dreams said as he ruffles Tommy's hair. Ranboo didn't mind so he just nod. Dream took Tommy somewhere not that far from his own house.

"So, what do you want to say Clay?" Tommy ask, looking at his brother.

"Say, do you know a guy named Lucid?" Dream ask. Tommy took a moment to recall what had happened a week ago.

"Yes, why?" He answered, looking at Dream. He noticed that Dream took a deep breath, probably nervous.

"Okay, Toms, Lucid is a demon, you somehow can see him, I sorta make a deal with him to find you. If you happen to see him don't EVER go near him. He's a threat! And DO NOT make a deal with him. That's all, avoid him as much as you can, take care." Dream warn, Tommy is taken aback from the warning that Dream gave. He could only nod in understanding.

"Good, I gotta go, see ya lil bro." Dream said and run the opposite direction from Tommy. Ranboo walks up to Tommy and look at him.

"Tommy, you good?" Ranboo ask.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great, why?" Tommy said looking at Ranboo.

"Let's go find Tubbo!!" Tommy said, grabbing Ranboo's hand and run to find their friend. Tommy is still bothered by Dream's warning. It bothered him so much that he couldn't stop thinking about it. Lucid, who happen to be watching Tommy smile devilishly.

"Let the game begin..." He said and laugh maniacally. His voice sent shiver to people who heard him.

Okay, that's all for this chapter, sorry if it's short, this chapter is kind of, rushed... Anyways, stay safe!! Byee!

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