☕︎𝕊𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝔻𝕒𝕪☕︎

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Every skit in this chapter happens at the same time, but different places.

Puffy wakes up quite early in the morning. She decide to clean herself and wear her casual clothes. She continues on her research in her room since it's still early and the kids haven't wake up yet. (Puffy would usually does research on creatures of the night e.g Enderman, Creepers, Zombie Piglin, etc) She then decide to make some breakfast for the children. Drista is the first one to be awake, at first she didn't mind much as she thought that Dream had woken up early and is helping preparing breakfast, as that's the thing that Dream would usually does. Drista cleaned herself and wore an over-sized blue t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Drista make her way downstairs to see Puffy all alone making breakfast.

"Mama, why didn't Dream come and help you make breakfast, usually he would come and help you." Drista said, walking towards Puffy.

"Honestly, I don't know Drista, I don't mind much because it's still early. Have Foolish waked up?" Puffy asked. Drista nod and told her that Foolish woke up when she was on her way to go downstairs. Not long after, Foolish joined the two. He didn't talk much unless Puffy ask him question. The three waited and waited for Dream to come and join them. Puffy got worried as she did not see Dream join them for breakfast. She goes upstairs to Dream's room, knocking the door, but she didn't get any respond. She opens the door revealing Dream still laying on his bed, barely moving. (Why does it sounded like Dream is not alive anymore?? Anyways, back to the story^^) Puffy walks up towards Dream.

"Dream, wake up hun, are you-" Puffy's words were cut when he felt how hot Dream's body temperature is. His breathing is slightly faster than normal.

"Oh my goodness..." Puffy said, she rushed downstairs and search for her med kit, Foolish and Drista could only look as they were confused. Drista followed Puffy from behind, Foolish then followed Drista. followed Puffy upstairs. 

"Oh my goodness, Dream, your tempt is so high." She said, sounding upset and worried. 

"Mama, what's wrong?" Drista asked, stepping into the room.

"Drista, Foolish, have you finished your breakfast yet?" Puffy asked, she walked towards Drista who are still standing in the front door. They both nod and Puffy smiles softly.

"Kids, can you help me?" Puffy ask and they nod once again.

"Good, can you please get me a water bucket and a small towel?" Puffy said. Drista and Foolish nod, they both went downstairs to get the stuff Puffy needed. Puffy sat next to Dream, caressing his head. She notices that Dream is waking up.

"Mama?..." Dream ask, his voice are hoarse. Puffy look at him and gave a small 'hum'.

"Mama... I feel u-uncomfort-able..." He said again, sounding like he's going to cry.

"It's okay duckling, mama's here." Puffy said, she moves closer to Dream and hugged him, comforting him. Drista and Foolish come to the room again, carrying a bucket of water and a small towel with them.

"Thank you Drista, Foolish." Puffy said, caressing their heads. She put the bucket down and places the small towel in it. She make sure the small towel is drenched enough and then twisted the towel so it is damp. She then place the damp towel onto Dreams forehead. Dream flinched from the coldness of the towel. 

"It's okay duckling." Puffy said, caressing Dream's head. 

"Go to sleep duckling. Me, Drista and Foolish will be leaving you so you can get some rest." Puffy said, smiling softly. Puffy, Drista and Foolish  was about to leave the room, Dream tug on Puffy's clothes. She turn around looking at him. 

"Can Drista and Foo-lish stay?" Dream ask, Puffy smiles and looks over to Drista and Foolish. They doesn't seem to be bothered with staying with Dream. 

"Sure duckling." She said, leaving the three alone. Drista and Foolish gets on Dream's bed and lay next to him. Dream smiled, as memories flooded him. He missed those old days when he and Tommy would spend hours for hours of playing together. After Drista was born, they would take care of each other, when it rains, they would play in the rain and end up getting a fever, but they were never away from each other. They would cuddle together in bed. They feel safe around each other. Dream soon fall into a deep sleep, soon enough Drista and Foolish fall asleep. Puffy entered the room only to find her child sleeping together peacefully. She places some medicine  on the nightstand. She leaves the room and goes to the reading room.

BadBoyHalo and Skeppy's house (because surprise:) )

"Sappy, wake up, you've been asleep for too long, you need to eat breakfast or not you'll starve." Bad said from outside the door. Skeppy are just listening and watching Bad. He hold a spare key just in case Bad needed it.

"Bad, don't you think we should just go inside the room and check if he's okay?" Skeppy said, gaining Bad's attention. He dangles the spare key in front of Bad. Bad looks away for a second, he hesitate to enter the room but also worried of Sapnap. He's worried if anything bad happen to him. 

"Okay." Bad said, taking the key from Skeppy's hand. He unlocks the door and saw Sapnap still on his bed, barely moving but still breathing for sure. He approaches Sapnap as the bad feeling filled him.

"Geppy I have a bad feeling about this." Bad said, Skeppy took Bad's hand and hold it, intertwining their fingers together.

"It's okay Bad, if anything happen, I'll help you with it." Skeppy said, reasuring Bad. Bad walks up towards Sapnap's bed. He sit on the rear of Sapnap's bed.

"Sappy you know you have to wake up and eat breakfast." Bad said, shaking Sapnap slightly.

"Dad?..." Sapnap ask, his voice croaky. He sit down, rubbing his left eye.

"Sappy, you need to go downstairs and go eat with us." Bad said, looking at Sapnap. Sapnap lean his head on Bad's arm, closing his eyes, falling asleep again.

"Sappy?" Bad said, he looked over at his son and sigh. He places Sapnap's head back on his pillow. He noticed that Sapnap's body is slightly burning. He walked up to Skeppy, taking his hand and left the room.

"Bad, are you okay?" Skeppy ask, gaining a small nod from Bad. Bad haven't talk for a while, Skeepy understand that Bad is worried. He know Bad very well as they had been together for years. Skeppy smiled, he cups Bad's cheeks and gave him a quick peck on the lips. (Bad is shorter then Skeppy in human form. It's fanfic, what do you expect? But, if Bad is in his Demon form, then, yes, he is taller than Skeppy.) A tint of blush spread across Bad's face, he smiled and mouthed a small thank you to Skeppy.

"Calm down Bad, he'll be fine, we can take care of him, together." Skeppy said. (Oh my god- it's so cheesy but it's just so cute I can't-) Bad smiled. He's happy that he married Skeppy (Please don't ask, I love this two okay...) He giggled as his face is showered with kisses. They go downstairs and let Sapnap rest for the rest of the day. (He did bath tho, with LAVA hehehe- okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll leave.)

Sam's house(Because yes and another surprise.)

Sam knocks on George's door, opening it. He smiled as he saw his son still laying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

"George, wake up, let's go and eat breakfast with me and Ponk." Sam said, walking towards George's bed. He sit on the bed, and notices that George looks uncomfortable. (Ponk is there because him and Sam are roomates, and, Ponk is like, good in medications.) Sam walk to the door.

"Uhm, Ponkie, I need your help!!" Sam shouted, calling out for Ponk to help him.

Time skip because I'm feeling very unmotivated...

"He got a fever Sam, probably because it's raining yesterday." Ponk said, walking out of the room with Sam. Sam nodded, they left George to let him rest. The two enjoy their breakfast and does their daily activity.

That's all for this chapter, I feel really really unmotivated. Next chapter will be publish soon, but, not like right after I publish this chapter. That's all, bye!

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