✈︎𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕓𝕪𝕖 𝕆𝕝𝕕 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕✈︎

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Tommy's pov

Tommy had been discharged from the hospital. Philza, Techno and Wilbur are outside, buying some groceries, Ranboo on the other hand is talking with Tommy, Philza .

"How are you feeling Tommy?" Ranboo said, sitting still as Tommy braid his fluffy hair.

"Pretty good, I'm a big man anyway." Tommy said, gaining a small chuckle from Ranboo. He rolls his eyes, focusing back on braiding Ranboo's hair. He ties the end and handing Ranboo a mirror.

"Thanks Tommy, it looks amazing!!" Ranboo said, looking at Tommy. He is holding three piece of earrings. The end of the earring contain a piece of diamond that Ranboo once gave him. He hand one to Ranboo. 

"I make some earrings. It's like, a friendship earring." Tommy said, handing one to Ranboo. He took it and mouthed a small thank you.

"You make three earrings, one belong to you, one is mine, and who's the third earring belong to?" Ranboo ask, putting the earrings on. Tommy let out a small sigh.

"Who else could you think?" Tommy ask, looking directly at Ranboo. Ranboo mouthed a small 'oh'. Tommy rolls his eyes once more.

"Tommy, can you tell me about your childhood?" Ranboo ask, gaining a small nod from Tommy.

"What do you want to know about?" Tommy ask.

"I just want to know about the green streak on your hair. And, why is your eyes different from Techno, Philza and Wilbur"  Ranboo said, pointing on Tommy's green streak. Tommy touches the green streak, and then retreats his hand.

"I have this green streak since I was born, so does my biological brother and sister also have them, I have heterochromia, still, I got heterochromia since birth, my brother also have them so does my sister." Tommy said, smiling softly remembering about his childhood. Oh, how he missed to be with his brother and sister. Ranboo stare at him, feeling bad for Tommy who had been apart from his family.

"Uhm, Tommy, what happen to your biological family?" Ranboo ask, wanting to know why Tommy is living with Philza. Tommy looks away for a split second, he took a breath, and look back at Ranboo.

"My parents always fight after my sister were born. Me and my sister would come to my brother's room and cried but our brother would hug us and he doesn't mind it tho, he likes our companion. And then, one day, my brother told me and my sister to pack our stuffs and we run away from the house. Until now, I don't know where my brother is." Tommy said, looking at Ranboo. His eyes watered and tears fall from them. Ranboo felt bad and he proceed to hug him. Tommy's tears burns but he didn't care. All he got in mind is to comfort the smaller male.

After Wil, Techno and Phil got home

"Tommy, Ranboo, were home!" Philza said, only to be responded by silence, not a single sound, only silence. Suspicion flooded the three man. Techno helping Philza to store the foods while Wilbur goes to Tommy's room.

"Tommy, Ranboo, are you in there?" Wilbur ask, opening the door. He saw Tommy sleeping while hugging Ranboo. They looked calm, the atmosphere in the room is very peaceful. He smiled and enter the room, tucking the two in blanket. And then, leaving the two brother. He went to find Philza and Techno and proceed to help the two.

"It's very quiet in this house, it feels the same as when Tommy is still hospitalized." Techno said, storing the orange juice into the fridge. Wilbur smiled and ruffled Techno's hair, gaining a small groan from Techno. Techno's hair is down but he didn't mind. His light pink hair is very soft and long.

"Can you not? Also, can you braid my hair?" Techno said, looking over Wilbur. He nod and went upstairs. He goes to the reading room and read some books. Phil grip on Techno's shoulder, gaining his attention.

"Can you help me make some lunch?" Philza ask, gaining a small nod from Techno. 

Time skip

Techno called for Wilbur, Tommy and Ranboo. No one is answering so he decide to check on them. He entered the reading room and saw Wilbur reading a book, he is using an earphone, listening to music. He touches Wilbur's shoulder, getting his attention. 

"Lunch's ready, wake Tommy and Ranboo up." Techno said, walking downstairs. Wilbur let out a small sigh. He walks over to Tommy's room. He opens the door and saw Ranboo awake, but he looks kinda weird, his eyes are purple, not his signature green and red eyes.

"Uh, Ranboo?" Wilbur called, his hand is reaching over Ranboo's shoulder, only to be answered by a low growl. He retreats his hand and look over to Tommy, who is still sleeping peacefully. He saw there's a couple of tear stains on Ranboo's clothes. He smiled.

"Ranboo, I'm here to bring you and Tommy to go eat lunch, it's okay, you and Tommy are both safe." Wilbur said, reaching out to hug Ranboo. Slowly, Ranboo's eyes turn back to it's signature red and green color.

"Eh? Uh, Wilbur, what is this for?" Ranboo ask, hugging the older male back, still confused on the  sudden hug.

"No reason, just feeling like I want to hug my brother." Wilbur said, he notices that Tommy is waking up from his slumber. Wilbur let go of Ranboo, looking at Tommy who is rubbing his eyes.

"Come on, let's go eat lunch." Wilbur said, leaving the two. Tommy is still rubbing his eyes, eventually, he got up and look at Ranboo. They both walk downstairs and greeted by a nice smell from the food. The others had start eating, they approaches the dining table and take their seat and join the other to eat. They enjoy the warm and welcoming atmosphere. 

After Lunch

Tommy are playing with Techno's hair. To him, his pink locks are very soft like silk, and he liked it. Phil had gone to the reading room, probably looking into pictures in the album book. Wilbur and Ranboo are watering flowers, Ranboo is careful but not careful enough to avoid water from hitting his skin. Hissing from now and then, and gaining a small chuckle from Wilbur. After they finished watering flowers, Wilbur grab some bandages to cover Ranboo's injuries. He notice that Techno has fallen asleep while Tommy still braiding his hair. He smiles at the two, and back to treating Ranboo's injuries.

"Thank you Wilbur." Ranboo chirped, smiling widely. Wilbur smiled and ruffled his hair, he noticed that there's a small braid on Ranboo's hair.

'It must've be Tommy'  Wilbur though, smiling more. Then he snap out from his thought. He remembered that Techno fall asleep while Tommy's braiding his hair. He rushed to get a blanket to cover Techno. He covers the sleeping boy and sit next to him. Tommy took off Wilbur's beanie, making Wilbur's fluffy hair even more visible, he took the opportunity to braid Wilbur's hair. Ranboo sat next to Wil, bringing his knees to his chest, hugging them. Soon, the three boys fall into a deep sleep. Phil walks out from the reading room to find his boys sleeping peacefully. He smiled and went back to grab something from the reading room. He took a camera and took a picture of them.

Time skip

Techno noticed that Dream haven't send any message to him, he doesn't mind much. Little did he know, he and his sibling are going to transfer school to a school which is closer to their house, and little did he know he will not receiving any messages from Dream. Losing connection is not a big problem to him, or so he thought. Well, then, to him, it'll be a goodbye, goodbye old friend. To Dream? He wouldn't know as he is sick.

Alright, that's a warp to this chapter. If you have heard this chapter title somewhere, or Eddsworld to be exact, you are correct. It's what Tord said to Tom, "Hello old friend". But the different is that it's a goodbye. See you in the next chapter <3.

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