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So, it's the next day, and as I say in previous chapter, Tommy is losing a lot of blood. Also, t/w, mention of blood.

Dream goes to school with his two best friends like any other days. The only difference that is happening is a tense aura that surrounds Dream. Dream doesn't talk, nor the other two. They would usually fight over stupid things. But, they doesn't. 

"You guys can go first, I want to find Technoblade and talk with him for a bit." Dream said in a low voice. He walks to find Techno. Sadly, he didn't find him. He decided to walk around the school for a bit and try to calm himself and find Technoblade at the same time. After several minutes of walking, he bumped into a guy.

"I am sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." Dream said. Looking at the person in front of him. Dream felt relive and somehow worry from the look on Techno's face.

"Techno, is everything alright?" He asked Techno. Techno shake his head as an answer. Dream feel uneasy. 

"T-Techno... is Tommy alright?..." His voice shaking when he asked Techno about Tommy. He's pretty sure that, the Tommy who is with Techno is his little brother.

"Well, do you remember what happen yesterday? What those shitty kid did to my brother?" Techno asked Dream. Dream nod as answer. The feeling of uneasy fills Dream. 

"The doctor says that, Tommy lost a big amount of blood, the percentage of him surviving is small since, Wilbur, me, Phil, and Ranboo doesn't have the same blood type as Tommy. Also, Tommy is adopted so we gotta find a person who have the same blood  type as Tommy." Techno stated. Dream fell silence. 

'Adopted?... T-Tommy... No way... M-my brother...' Dream thought. He silently scream and curse. He couldn't take it in. His mind went fuzzy. He feels like he's going to collapse soon. Dream holds Techno's arm, his knees goes weak. He couldn't stand straight.

"Dream? Are you okay?" Techno asked Dream, snapping him from his thoughts. Dream looks at Techno. Dream nod as answer.

"Good, now can you let go of my hand. This feels really awkward since we're at school." Techno said. Dream let go of Techno's arm.

"Are you going to go to the hospital today?" Dream ask. Techno nod as answer.

"Techno, can I follow you to go to the hospital with you today?" Dream asked. And once again, Techno nod. 

Time skip to after school

Puffy waits for Dream and outside the gate of the school. She wants to make sure he's fine. Dream walks out from his school to Puffy's car. He entered the car and looks outside to the window.

"Are you alright, my duckling?" She ask. He only nodded as answer, not wanting to his adoptive mother worry.

"Mama, can I follow Technoblade to the hospital?" Dream ask, afraid to face his mother. Puffy smiles softly and holds Dream's shoulder. She turn his face to face her. She took off his mask, caressing his cheeks.

"Dream, you can go, but, you must be careful there, do you understand?" Puffy stated. Dream stared to tear up and hugs Puffy tightly. She pats his head gently. Dream burst into tears.

"Mama... I think I found him... But I failed to protect him... Now he's in hospital... And it's all my fault I wasn't there for him..." Dream said. Blaming himself onto things that he couldn't control. Puffy cups his cheeks, she wipes away his tears and kisses his forehead.

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