❦︎𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕏𝔻❦︎

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Tommy were minding his own business picking up destroying some weeds to collect seeds for some wheat. He check on his hotbar for some tools that he need. He took out his iron sword just in case he have to slay some dangerous mobs or when he needs some meat. After a while he started his way to go to his home, deciding that the amount of seeds he have is enough for now. Lucid who had been watching Tommy all the time (man you really need another job.) appears out of nowhere, pushes Tommy into an unknown portal.

"What the fu-" Tommy was cut by himself falling into the portal. His eyes widened in both confusion and shock.

"Bye-bye Tommy, enjoy your stay." Lucid said and leaves the place immediately after Tommy got completely consumed by the portal.

With Tommy in the Void™

'Where in the fucking Earth am I? Why is everything white?' Tommy question himself. He walk around to see nothing but an empty space. It really annoy him as it's very plain.

"Where am I?" He question himself, and was greeted by another voice.

"You're in the Void™." The voice said, he turn around to see nobody.

'Am I hearing shits now? Am I going all cray cray?' He questioned, and again is greeted by the same voice.

"No, Tommy, you are not hearing shits, and no, you're not going crazy." The voice spoke again. Tommy's eyes widened in confusion.

"Did you just- read my mind?" Tommy ask as he is still confused and also feeling amazed at the same time.

"Yes Tommy, I just read your mind, tho, you are not supposed to be here." The voice said, still haven't introduce who they are.

"Okay, that's amazing and all, but, who the fuck are you? You haven't even tell me your name but you know my name, like bitch, what the fuck?!" Tommy said, gaining a small chuckle from the voice.

"Pardon, that's very rude of me, my name is Dream XD, it's a pleasure meeting you, Tommy." Dream XD said, as he appear in front of Tommy. Taking a human form, he extended his hand to Tommy for a handshake. Tommy didn't feel threatened or anything so he gladly shook the other's male hand.

"That's a very weird name, but okay, anyways, can I call you Dre XD? Because calling you Dream XD is too long." Tommy ask, gaining a small nod from Dre XD.

"Okay, I have told you who I am, now, tell me, how are you here? Did he sent you here?" Dre XD ask, gaining a shrug from Tommy.

"Maybe, I am not sure myself, one second I was gathering materials, and then boom, a portal is in front of me and I got pushed into the portal." Tommy said, as he is very pissed by what had happened. Took out an apple and eat it.

"I see, anyways, I gotta bring you back to where you belong, as I said, you don't belong here. I'm afraid that someone had make a deal with Lucid. That demon will do anything to make sure he is in control." Dre XD said, putting his index and thumb on his chin.

"Wait- did you say, Lucid?" Tommy ask, looking both annoyed and angry. The lime green cloaked guy nod.

"Yes, why?" The lime green cloaked guy ask.

"I met him back then he said he wanted to make a deal with me and I declined, then, almost every single day, I can feel his presence around me, watching what I'm doing. As if like I'm his fucking prey. It annoy the shit outta me." Tommy stated as venom is laced in his tone. Still salty on what Lucid had done to his little blob friend.

"I see, looks like we gotta do something about that." Dre XD said, thinking of the best way to make Lucid stay away from Tommy.

"Tommy, do you have an Enderman friend?" Dre XD ask, looking dead in the eyes.

"Well, technically yes, but no, I have one adopted sibling who is an Enderman and I think he counts as my Enderman friend." Tommy explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, okay, that counts too I guess? Anyways, you gotta protect him too, perhaps you know what Enderwalk is and how to deal with them. I need you to protect your Enderman friend. Whenever he is in an Enderwalk state, I'm very sure it'll be easier for Lucid to manipulate him." Dre XD said, Tommy could only nod in understanding manner.

"Well let's send you back shall we?" Dre XD ask and Tommy nod vigorously. He smiled and extended his hand for a handshake and Tommy gladly shook them. (Tokyo Revengers reference, anyone?) In the blink of an eye, Tommy is back to the SMP. He noticed that it's getting dark, he cursed and make his way to his home. Bumping into someone or something, he cursed and look upwards to see Ranboo, looking fairly concerned.

"Oh, hey Tommy, I was searching for you everywhere, where have you been?" Ranboo ask, looking at Tommy.

"Doesn't matter, let's go to my house before it gets dark, I didn't have torch with me." Tommy said and Ranboo agrees, they teleported in front of Tommy's house and they are greeted by Bad who was passing by.

"Oh, hey Tommy, hi Ranboo, I was passing by and perhaps you would like some chocolate muffins?" Bad said, smiling as bright as the sun.

"Uh- sure? Why not?" Ranboo said on his behalf. He looks at Tommy only to see Tommy shrug.

"Yea sure why not?" Tommy said, Bad nod and gave the two minors two chocolate muffins. Bad bid his farewell and left Tommy's house, going back to his own house.

'Tomorrow's gonna be a whole new say, let's hope whatever Wilbur is doing going just fine.' Tommy thought to himself and enters his house with Ranboo behind him. They both mind their own business and Dre XD's words play like a broken record in Tommy's head.

Okay? That's all for this chapter, I'm lacking of motion, anyways, bye! See you guys in the next chapter!
Stay safe :D

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