Unexpected Apologies

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    "Harry! Wake up dear! It's time for breakfast," called Mrs. Weasley. 

    Harry groaned and put his pillow over his head. "Did someone say breakfast?" asked Ron groggily. He rolled out of bed, and to the door of his shared room with Harry. Harry quickly followed him out. They stumbled downstairs to the kitchen, where the rest of the Weasley family, plus Hermione, was assembled at the breakfast table. 

    "Well look who finally decided to grace us with their presense," smiled Mr. Weasley, as the boys sat down. Ron sat next to Hermione, who greeted him with a kiss, those never failed to make Ron blush, and a helping of bacon, eggs, and treacle tart on a plate. 

   Harry sat on Ron's other side next to George. 

    "Good morning Harry! How'd you sleep?" Ginny asked heartily. Over the summer after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Ginny had decided they were better off as friends (thank God), partly because of Harry coming out to Ginny as gay. They were still friends, and still enjoyed playing Quidditch friendlies together. 

    Harry shrugged,"Nightmares weren't as bad as usual. Got about three hours of sleep, which is good for me." 

    Ever since the war, Harry had had nightmares every night of Voldemort coming back and trying to kill his friends. One night, he'd dreamed Voldemort had tried to kill Umbridge. which hadn't been SO bad, but the screams were bloody awful. 

    "What about you George?" asked Mr. Weasley. George had a fazed out expression on his face. He'd had that expression ever since, well...Fred died. He always looked like he was missing a part of him. 

    "Hm?" George asked, sipping on his tea. 

"Your father asked how you slept," Mrs. Weasley said softly squeezing George's hand. 

   " Oh. Fine I s'pose," he replied, clearly aloof. 

    There was no more effort to make small talk, except for a a few comments about the "beautiful weather" and the 'delicious food." The Burrow felt uncomfortably quiet, only the sounds if the ticking clock and clinking silverware were heard. Until there was a mysterious "KERPLUNK!" at the Weasley's kitchen window. 

    Everyone stopped eating and looked up. Errol had flown into the window. 

    "Oh I forgot to open the window! Sorry Errol!" shouted Mr. Weasley, jumping to his feet. He went to open the window, and when he did so, Errol bumbled on in all loaded up with letters or parcels. 

    "What in the name of Dumbledore is all that?" cried Ginny. 

   "Bloody hell!" Ron said, jumping to his feet to look at the parcels and letters. Harry got out of his chair to see who the letters were from when he saw the sender's name. His heart skipped a beat. 

 "No, it couldn't be...there's no way-he would never ," Harry thought, "It couldn't possibly be-" 

"MALFOY!!!" Ron shouted. He dropped the letter addressed to him as if it had burned him. Hermione jumped up. 

" Draco sent us letters?" Hermione asked, leaning down to pick up the one with her name on it. 

"DONT!" Ron said, grabbing his girlfriends hand, "It probably has a bomb inside! Or it's a threat note!" 

"I don't think so.." Harry murmured. He delicately picked up his letter and a parcel with his name. He ran his finger over where Draco had written his name, and he couldn't help but smile at how Draco wrote his name, "Harry Pottah." 

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