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TW: Self harm 

Harry slowly turned around to look at Draco, who was already looking at him, with his mouth gaping open. And with that, Professor McGonagall moved right into assigning the first years to their houses. 

"Did she really just say that?" hissed Harry to  Hermione.

"She did..and don't act like you're not happy about it," Hermione said smirking. 

Harry spluttered, "I'm not happy! I mean I'm not unhappy, but it's not like I'm super pleased about this! He's going to cover the room in Slytherin decor, and-and he'll want to talk about how I-" Harry  paused. 

"How you what?' asked Neville curiously. 

"N-nothing..nothing at all.."Harry murmured. 'How I side hugged him like some 13 year old girl. He then caught Draco's eye and gave him a weak smile. 

"This is bloody awful Blaise, you've got to help me!" complained Draco. 

"Oh stop complaining! We both know this is what you pray for at night," Blaise said rolling his eyes.

Draco's cheeks turned pink. "It is not! Maybe to spend some time with him, but to live together? He's going to cover the whole room in red and gold, it will be disgusting! Not to mention now he'll never like me, not after he sees I wear silk pajamas to bed and sleep with a green dragon," Draco sighed letting his head fall into his hands. 

"Let's not forget that little plushy you have of him," smirked Pansy. Blaise punched her on the shoulder. Draco groaned again. 

        ***Time Skip to the Room 'Cause I'm lazy***

Harry stepped into the room the two were supposed to share. It was rather comfy, two four poster beds, a fireplace and a couch, plus a nightstand for both of them and a giant wardrobe. The wardrobe had a small black snake for a handle. Harry smiled, Draco would love that. 

Harry pulled in his giant trunk and set it on the bed closest to a small window looking out onto the black lake. Draco came up a few minutes later heaving three giant suitcases. When he opened one, the entire contents of it looked like hair supplies. Harry raised an eyebrow, "Do you really need all of that?"

Draco sighed, "Yes Potter. My hair doesn't naturally look like this, I have to put some effort into it, but I wouldn't expect you to understand, your hair always looks like something between a rat's nest and a plant from the Forbidden Forest." Harry scoffed but attempted to smooth his hair none the less. 

Draco glanced at the wardrobe. "Are you going to use that Potter?" 

Harry shook his head, "Probably not." 

Draco smirked, and unpacked another suitcase, this one filled with the finest robes and clothes. Harry rolled his eyes, "How much money do you spend on your clothes?" 

"Why do you want to know? Want to know where you can find clothes that don't look like hand me downs from Ron's great aunt Tessy?" Draco smiled. 

"No, if I wanted advice on that, I certainly wouldn't ask you," Harry replied. Draco rolled his eyes playfully and continued unpacking. The two worked in silence on unpacking for awhile. After a half hour had passed, Draco couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"Harry..." he began. 

Harry jumped a little, startled. He looked a bit nervous, "Y-yeah?"

"Um..why did you..hug me?" Draco stuttered. 

"Oh..I didn't mean to.  I mean it didn't mean anything I just needed to give you a distraction so I could pay for my books," Harry mumbled his back turned to Draco so he wouldn't see how nervous he was.

"Oh..all right then," Draco said sounding slightly disappointed. Another awkward silence passed by before Harry broke it this time. 

" about those mysterious murder cases? Any leads?" asked Harry. 

Draco shook his head no, "I don't think so. Not since the one Pureblood."

Harry nodded, "Good. Glad the Muggleborns are okay." Harry thought that would be a good thing to say, but when he saw the look on Draco's face, he regreted what he said.

Draco frowned, "Just the Muggleborns? Don't you care about anyone else?" 

Harry put his hands up in defense very quickly. "Yes of course! I just meant, you know, since they've been through so much already.."he trailed off. 

Draco looked slightly red, but this time not from embarassment, "They've been through so much? At least no one's accusing them of being racist and evil just because of their blood type!" 

Harry got a bit angrier at that, "Well some purebloods are racist! You called Hermione a Mudblood for the first four years of school!" 

"That's because it was all I'd ever heard! I didn't know any better!" Draco yelled. 

"Well even if you didn't you were still a git! And you can't expect me to feel so awful for you after you bullied Hermione, Ron, and I for the majority of our time at Hogwarts! Maybe now at least the Purebloods can know what it's like to be scared for your life all the time!!" Harry yelled back. He knew he had crossed a line. 

Draco didn't look angry more, more...heartbroken. "I..I know how awful I was. I apologized to you, and Gran-Hermione, and Ron. I thought you said I was forgiven but I guess I should've assumed we couldn't put all of this behind us so quickly.." Draco murmured. 

 Harry had a swirling pit of guilt in his stomach but slowly nodded anyway, "Yeah...I suppose we were a bit naive." Draco nodded and slowly shut his suitcase, after grabbing a blanket out. 

"I..think I'll sleep with Blaise and Neville in their room tonight.." said Draco. 

Harry reached out for his hand but he had already walked towards the door, "Draco.."

Draco stopped. "And for the record Potter, I do know what it's like to be scared for your life all the time. That's sort of how it is when your forced into taking the dark mark and having the Dark Lord live in your house." Harry watched his form walk off into the shadows, away from him...

And Draco pretended not to hear Harry's  stifled cry. 

 'Great job hurt him..and he's already been through so much..'

Harry stood staring at the door sadly for a few moments, before getting into bed, ready to succumb to his nightmares. 

A/N: Well...that was dark...

I promise the next chapter will be happier! And I'm going to try to publish it within the next two weeks. 

Also, I was supposed to work on a one page English essay this weekend, and instead I chose to write this, so...yeah..

also my mom keeps nagging on me for not reading like I did when I was little, but she has no idea I stay up til one am every night reading fanfiction...hehehe. 

Hope y'all liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment if you want to!

Fun Fact: The dementors in Harry Potter are based on JK Rowling's depression after her mom died from multiple sclerosis. :(

Any feedback on this chapter?

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