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    The autumn leaves were slowly falling down, which to many students was a reminder of how fast the year was going by, but to Harry, although it did partially make  him think of the time,  could mean only one thing.

 It was getting closer to the day his parents were murdered. Now that he knew where they were buried he sort of wanted to go visit their grave and honor them, but didn't want to go alone. He thought of asking Ron and Hermione, but Hermione had recently told him she was planning on heading to the Burrow for Halloween, to spend time with Ron and show him one of her favorite Muggle traditions, trick or treating. And when she was sitting at the table excitedly gushing to Harry about this trip ("I mean it's a holiday where you go to people's houses and ask for food, it's his dream! And I get to be the one to show it to him!") he couldn't quite bring himself to tell her how badly he hoped they'd both stay with him.  

As October 31st was tomorrow, it began to seem more and more unlikely that Harry would have anyone to go to the graveyard with him. It wasn't really a question you could just go up and spring on someone. Like "hey! It's my parents deathaversary! Want to head over to the town they were brutally murdered in and lay some flowers on their graves with me?" 

And so, Harry walked the Hogwarts ground with a particularly thoughtful look on his face trying to think of who on earth would want to accompany him, when he ran into the very person who might be the answer to his problem. 

"Ouch! Watch where you're going you great oaf!" Malfoy yelled and then paused when seeing who it was who ran into him. "Oh.. Potter. Well if there's anyone likely to be walking around with their head in the clouds, I suppose it would be you, since your skull is so empty." He joked lightly. 

Harry huffed and rolled his eyes, "Shove off Draco." The words held no gravity because of Harry's sheepish smile and the fact he had done a 180 and turned to walk next to Draco. Things hadn't been bad between them lately. They just hadn't interacted as much with the classes getting harder, and all of the homework that was mounted on top of the students, especially in their Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Agresto was not an easy person to appease. 

" have you been Potter?" Draco asked awkwardly. 

Harry laughed, "Draco we share a dorm. You literally just saw me this morning."

Draco shrugged. "Yes I SAW you. But we haven't talked very much since.."

Harry nodded. "True." If Harry was being perfectly honest with himself, he missed Draco quite a bit more than he probably should considering they were dorm mates. If only there was a way to spend some more time with him. Draco's company was surprisingly comforting to Harry now, so even when they just sat quietly in the dorm doing homework and occasionally cracking a joke or complaining about their teachers, Harry was the happiest he felt in a long time. Comfort was exactly what Harry would be needing soon, even if it was in the form of awkward silences, and petty insults. "Hey Draco..."

Draco stopped, "Yes?" 

Harry swallowed his nerves. Why was he nervous about this? It was just asking a friend to be with him on a day where he needed someone? It wasn't a big deal. "Would you want to accompany me to the graveyard in Godric's Hallow on Halloween?" God that didn't come out right...

Draco turned pale, well, paler than usual. "The-the what?"

Harry sighed. "Sorry sorry I don't know how to ask. It's just this Saturday is October 31st and it was the day my parents were murdered-" Draco's expression softened at this"- and I'd never seen their graves until last year and now I kind of want to honor them and bring them flowers or something, but I don't want to go alone, and Hermione and Ron are going trick or treating and I thought maybe you'd  be a good friend to ask to go with me." Harry took a deep breath at the end of his ramble. Draco looked fairly shocked still. "Um..or you could not come-" Harry started but was quickly cut off by a hand touching his chest. 

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