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The first thing he felt, was nothing at all. Not pain, not sorrow, not anger, not joy, not shock, just nothing. He blinked his eyes open and immediately wanted to shut them again, because the sign before him was not at all as he pictured heaven to be. 

It looked as though he were in Diagon Alley, but everything was cloaked in white, and there were only 2 stores on the whole stretch: Weasley's Wizardly Wheezes, and Madam Malkin's. 

"Mr.Malfoy, please get off your arse and stop looking around like an idiot. You look like a new born scrawny calf having just seen the sky."

Draco suddenly whirled around and gasped to see Severus Snape standing before him, looking as dark and ominous in his black robes as he had that night on the Astronomy Tower. "Close your mouth, and try not to look like an idiot. There is much to see." Without helping Draco up, nor beckoning him to follow, Snape walked down the Alley with a swish of his robes, but slowed his pace slightly as Draco got up. 

"Professor Snape? Is this heaven? I really thought there would be more people up here," Draco said confusedly. 

Snape rolled his eyes. "No. This is not heaven, though that could be your next destination if you wish it." 

Draco frowned. "Well I wouldn't much like to go to the other place." 

Snape finally let out a very small reserved smile. "No one would Mr. Malfoy, though some may say that that place couldn't possibly be worse than the life they are currently living." 

Draco nodded thoughtfully. "I could understand that." 

Snape glared at him. "Those people are wimps. You must always continue pressing on in life. Working with what you have no matter what you have been given. I suppose that is my own philosophy, and I never would have taken you as a wimp."

Draco laughed. "Yes you have! You always thought I was one, at least that last year especially. I couldn't do the job, you had to do it for me. Though Harry told me that was what Dumbledore had planned wasn't it?" 

Snape smiled tightly. "Yes. Dumbledore's plans always work." 

Draco frowned. "I get the feeling you don't totally mean that Professor." 

Snape paused and then shook his head. "No. I think they really do work out the way he wants them to, they just don't always end the way I would like them to..." Snape and Draco walked in silence for awhile before Draco stopped. 

"Er..Professor. I'm not sure I completely understand. Do we simply just walk this stretch for eternity, or is there another option?" he asked tentatively. 

Snape smirked. "There is always another option Draco. Look there, do you not see Madam Malkins?" Draco nodded slowly. "And over there, do you not see Weasley's store?" 

Draco nodded, "I do, I just don't-" 

"Tell me, Mr. Malfoy," Snape cut him off. "What do those two locations mean to you?" 

Draco frowned. "Well...the Weasley's place is where I died. Well, maybe not died, but how I ended up here, wherever here is. And Madam Malkin's..well that's where I got fitted for my first robes." 

Snape rolled his eyes. "Don't pretend with me. Madam Malkin's means more to you than just that, otherwise the shop wouldn't be here." Draco thought for a moment before suddenly smiling a very soft smile. That smile. "Oh," Snape tutted and shook his head though Draco thought he could see some affection in his eyes. "Is this perhaps where you first saw him? Yes I suppose that would be a very important day for you wouldn't it?" 

Draco smiled at the ground and nodded. " would be. From before I even saw him I knew I wanted to be his friend. Father would always tell stories about him in a reproachful tone, but I always thought that made him sound even more amazing. Then I saw him, and I knew I wanted him to be mine. Though maybe not quite to the degree I do now," Draco admitted. 

Snape made a fake retching noise. "Love is very sickening." 

Draco glared at him. "And I suppose that you've never been in love?" 

Snape's eyes widened. "Potter never told you huh?" 

Draco frowned, "Told me what?" 

"I did love someone once." 

Draco's jaw dropped. "What was her name?" 

"Lily Potter." 

"POTTER?" Draco yelled before clapping a hand over his mouth. "You liked Harry's mom?" 

"Loved her. I was past the point of liking. But she picked James, no matter how cruel he was to me, no matter how much I did for her, it was over when I called her that filthy name. And there was never a day that I didn't regret that," Snape spoke softly. "I was so mad, I joined the Death Eaters, I wanted to feel the power. And then...he went after her. I ran for Dumbledore. I knew he could help, and he tried. But it was to late. She was gone, and I held her in my arms, but I would never get to see her eyes light up again." Snape sniffed, and then smiled a real genuine smile. "But then Harry came along. He was arrogant, proud-"

Draco prickled. "Harry is not-" 

Snape pressed a hand to his chest. "Breathe Draco. I know that now. It didn't matter what he was he reminded me so much of his father, but his eyes.. They were hers. And so I still got to see her everyday." 

Draco smiled. "They are beautiful aren't they?" 

Snape nodded gently. "But it's not just his eyes is it Draco? You love him. I saw some of those looks you would give him across the Great Hall when you thought no one else was looking. You would do anything for his attention." Snape suddenly smirked. "Actually, you weren't unlike James, always fighting for Lily's attention through endless teasing and insults." Draco shrugged and turned slightly pink. "I don't know if it was returned then, but it is now Draco, and you should be grateful for that." 

Draco's eyes widened. "You really think he loves me?" 

Snape sighed. "You are quite dense sometimes. Do you really think you would be here, and not in heaven, if he didn't?" 

"You mean.." Draco stared at him in disbelief.

"Yes. You aren't dead because Harry's love was here to protect you. He kept you safe. And he will continue to do so if you choose to return," Snape said gesturing between the two stores. They had walked all the way around the Alley, and now Draco could choose. 

"Why you? Why was it you who came to help me decide?" Draco whispered. 

"We all know your life hasn't been easy Draco, and if you choose to walk through the door to Madam Malkin's and go on,  no one would blame you. Well, except for me. Because if you walk through the door to Weasley's Wizardly Wheezes, there is a Potter with bright green eyes who wants nothing more than to give you all the love he has, and to hold you. Maybe your life would be hard, but you would have him, and if there is an option between going on and being numb, or  returning and being held in the person who you love the most's arms, I can't imagine that the choice would really be hard," Snape answered. "After all, that is the choice that I always wanted."

Draco nodded and slowly walked over to the Weasley's shop. He turned around and suddenly threw his arms around Snape. Snape tensed at first, but then gently hugged him back. "Now go on and snog Potter," he said releasing him gently. 

Draco grinned gratefully and this time sprinted to the Weasley's shop door. He wrenched it open, and didn't look back before stepping in and allowing himself to be consumed by life, in all it's colors and emotions, the good and the bad, again. 

A/N: See guys, I'm nice. Please comment and vote!! <3333

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