I Love You

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"NO!" Harry screamed at the same time George yelled "STUPEFY!" 

Professor Dolion hit the ground with a resounding thump right after Draco's. George rushed over to where Harry was already kneeling over Draco sobbing and pulling him close to his chest. "Please Draco...come on please don't leave me," Harry sobbed. "I can't lose you. I can't lose someone else....please...please! D"

George had a few tears down his cheeks too. "I'll Floo the Aurors and St.Mungo's," he sprinted over to a fireplace off to the side of the room. Harry only half heard George speaking over the sound of his own wretched cries and the blood pounding in his ears. 

"You  stupid, rotten, selfless prat," Harry cried trying now to shake Draco awake. "Horrible!" Shake. "Idiot!" Shake. "Daft wanker!" 

"Harry, Harry!" George rushed over. "Stop! You're going to mess-up his organs if you keep doing that!" 

"WAKE UP DRACO, I NEED YOU!" Harry yelled. George stifled his own sob and held Harry in a bone-crushing, restraining hug. Harry gave up fighting after awhile and allowed himself to be engulfed in George's embrace. 

"Shhh," George soothed. "It....it will be alright. He 's not gone yet," George tried to soothe. The Aurors came crashing into the shop holding their wands up. George pointed to Professor Dolion's still form in the corner of the room. 

One of the Aurors leaned over and scooped him up. "Say, isn't this that Hogwarts professor, Gabriel? You were supposed to be monitoring the grounds!" 

"Tristan? I had my suspicions about him. Did a few room checks but never found any more evidence," said another Auror who must've been Professor Agresto. 

"Yes well you must have missed some things then," Harry snapped, eyes red and puffy. "He was using Stinksap to cover up the smell of Dragon blood that was released on him in the trap the Prewett set, and that odd sensation you are feeling? That was the result of the Disillusionment charm, that he cast on you to take suspicion away form himself. Surprised you didn't recognize it. Doesn't matter now, Draco is as good as...." Harry's voice cracked. He couldn't finish, but he didn't have to. 

Agresto froze, then slowly took off his hood and walked over to Draco. "Poor boy...I did rather like him." 

Harry sent him a piercing glare at the same time George spoke, "That's what they all say. Oh, how very unfortunate, what a kind soul he was. Yes he was! And it's more than sad, more than unfortunate, it's devastating, and what's so horrible is nobody ever does anything more than say that! Draco was good, I see that now, and I'm sorry it took me so long to figure it out. He deserves something. He deserved better," George finished. Harry nodded. "I feel horrible I never forgave him..and he still chose to die for me." George whispered sadly. He bent down and whispered in Draco's ear, "If you come back, you get the first free gift of any new tested product I make." Harry knew it was stupid, but he waited with bated breath anyway. When Draco didn't stir, Harry finally lay his head on his chest and softly cried. And then...

"h...harry?" Draco's voice rattled. 

Harry gasped and sat straight up. "Yes? Draco?" 

"Hi Harry," Draco whispered softly. Harry sob laughed and squeezed Draco. Draco let out a rattled breath and started coughing. 

"Oh sorry! sorry, sorry!" Harry said releasing him gently. 

"It's okay...missed me that much huh?" Draco tried to smile but winced. 

Harry smiled softly. "You have no idea." The healers from St. Mungo's suddenly  rushed in with a bunch of tonics and healing potions that Harry had never heard of, and surrounded Draco. George who had  been to the side of Draco, too afraid to say anything yet, was also pushed to the side. 

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