Be With You

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Draco woke up to the sound of soft snoring next to him, and was pleasantly surprised at the sight of Harry sleeping next to him. He frowned. Harry normally looked so peaceful when sleeping, but right now, his face was all scrunched up and his eyelids were rapidly moving. All of a sudden his eyes flew open and the shout of "DRACO!" came out of his mouth. 

Draco waved a hand in front of his face. "I'm here," he said softly. Harry looked at him, really looked at him, and his dazed expression turned to confused, to an expression he couldn't identify, to joy. Pure utter joy. Harry threw his arms around Draco and hugged him tightly, not really wanting to let go for a long time. 

"Mr. Malfoy? Oh thank heavens you're awake!" said Madam Pomfrey joyfully rushing over amd shooing Harry away to check on Draco. "I was beginning to get worried. It's been about a week since Mr. Potter here brought you in, and about a week since he left-"Draco shot a look at Harry. "And so then I tried to get his friends to drag him out but it didn't work so he's been doing all his schoolwork in here and really only leaving for meals or to get me something.  It anyway, you're going to need some food. Harry would you-?" She stopped when she saw the look on Harry's face as he watched Draco. "Hm, perhaps I will go get Mr. Malfoy his food. Tata boys!" She smiled and left with a knowing look on her face. 

"So...didn't leave Potter? That explains the smell," Draco laughed at his own joke but ended up coughing which hurt, quite a bit. 

Harry frowned and touched his wrapped abs, "Don't do that. You're still healing." 

Draco felt his face burn with Harry's hands on his skin. He waited for Harry to insult him back, but nothing came except that odd look he couldn't identify earlier. "'re starting to scare me. Come on, banter back." 

Harry shook his head. "No, I'm just glad to have you back. I tried to sleep in the dorm without you the first night, but I really couldn't sleep without hearing you breathing next to me, so I came down here. Haven't really left since like she said. I just want to be here some more before I keep talking. Amd also, keep calling me Harry, it's nice," he smiled brightly, causing a swarm  of butterflies to take off in Draco's chest, fluttering madly. They sat like that for awhile before Madam Pomfrey came in with some water, a bowl of broth, and a handful of different medicines for Draco. 

She tried making a hint for Harry to leave and didn't get a response from him until she finally gave up And told him he should make himself useful and go tell Draco's friends he was feeling better. Once he left, Madam Pomfrey gave Draco his medicines and then asked the question she had been dying to know.  

" is it to have possibly the most desired man in the Wizarding World be head over heals for you?"

Draco flushed pink, "I-it's not like that. Harry and I are friends." 

She rolled her eyes. "Please, a blind woman could tell how much he likes you. He waited here for you to wake up for FIVE days Draco. Friends may love each other, but not that much. " 

"Didn't my other friends came to check on me too?" Draco asked. 

"Well yes, Parkinson was about ready to blow this place up when she heard, Zabini came in close second with a look that could kill. Even Granger came to drop off Harry's schoolwork but ended up staying and tried to get you to wake up by arguing why Merlin's theory on Plimpies as cancer curers was a perfectly logical theory. She about cried when you didn't wake up, and then sniffed, gave you a quick hug and left. But it was Harry who never left your side." 

Draco felt his chest warm knowing how much his friends cared about him, but especially how Harry cared.

"And another quick thing Draco, Harry received at least four ball invites on top of his schoolwork every day, and he still never said yes to any of them," she smirked. 

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