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  Draco pulled Harry along through the corridors at a pace Harry didn't even know he could walk. 'Draco, where are we going?" He couldn't help but ask. 

Draco just smiled, "You'll see." As Draco finally arrived on the floor where the Gryffindor tower was, and then pulled him up more stairs, he realized they must be headed to the Astronomy Tower, but all his thoughts could not compare to the sight he saw, when he walked into the tower. 

Draco had set out a picnic like scene, not unlike the picnic they had eaten before they were even dating, but instead of food, there were pillows, blankets, and yes some popcorn and instead of flowers falling, the stars seemed to be falling from the sky. "I thought it was a shame the night the ball was, there was also a meteor shower," Draco whispered to Harry gently letting go of his arm. "It would be a shame if we missed it, I think. I used to watch these all the times with my mom. Astronomy was always very important to her, and to me." 

"Huh Draco. I didn't know you cared about stars so much. They are beautiful," Harry said

"I was named after a constellation you know Potter," Draco smirked.

"Shove off," Harry mumbled and lightly pushed Draco. "It really is wonderful Draco. Thank you for setting this up," Harry said softly and grabbed Draco's hand. 

Draco gave him the special smile he knew was just for him. "Of course. Now come on my prince sit down." Draco kneeled mockingly and guided Harry in sitting down next to him. "You see that constellation right there Harry?" Draco asked pointing to a string of stars in the night sky. 


"That's my namesake," Draco stated proudly. 

Harry smirked. "That makes sense, the right side kind of looks like a dick." 

Draco rolled his eyes and pushed him hard. "See if I try to plan a romantic date again Potter." Harry laughed. 


"Yes, but your favorite one, correct?" 

Harry only leaned in in response. And then...


"GODDAMMIT!" yelled a voice and suddenly the face of Gabriel Agresto appeared before them. Harry and Draco both jumped up, wands in hand, ready to duel. 

"I demand both of you put those away. Wands are not toys," Professor Agresto stated frustratedly. 

Draco scowled. "No, I don't think we will." 

Harry nodded in agreement. "I'm keeping mine right here, and I suggest you lower yours if you know what's good for you." 

Professor Agresto raised an eyebrow. "I don't know what you're talking about. You boys are supposed to be at the ball until you are dismissed to your common rooms. Filch asked me to help round up extra students." 

Harry rolled his eyes, wand arm still up. "Likely story, then why were you up here snooping around in the dark?" 

"I was doing nothing of the sort Mr. Potter." 

"Liar!" Draco yelled. "You must've had a Disillusionment charm on, or else we would have seen you come up here! you were sneaking up on us, to what? Kill me? Like you did to those there Purebloods!" Draco spat. 

Agresto's face darkened. "You have no right to speak to me that way Mr. Malfoy." 

"He can speak to you anyway he wants," Harry defended."You know, you seemed awfully frightened when that door shattered in our Defense class that day. Don't think I don't remember! It's understandable to be jumpy, but you were about to jump out the window! Maybe because it reminded you of the door shattering when you walked in to murder the Prewetts? Bet you didn't expect that alarm did you?" 

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