We're Not In Love!...Right?

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  As Draco and Harry walked into the Leaky Cauldron, they were immediately met with wide-eyed stares and whispers of "Is that Harry Potter?" and "Why is the Savior with a Death Eater?" Draco kept his eyes glued to the floor. 

To the last one Harry replied by saying, "Ex-Death Eater, and he actually saved my life so he's your savior too.Would you like to thank him?" 

The witch gulped. Draco grabbed Harry's arm and whispered "It's fine Harry." 

Harry sighed. "It's not but if it doesn't bother you I'll try to not let it bother me." 

As they walked up to the bar counter, Harry heard someone ask, "Why did Potter defend him like that?" 

"Isn't it obvious?" his wife answered, "They're in love." Draco made a fake retching sound, and Harry wasn't sure why that hurt so much. 

Draco and Harry walked up to the bar counter together, where a witch was working. She barely looked up until Draco cleared his throat awkwardly. She raised her eyebrows on her warty face, "Yes?" 

Draco rolled his eyes, "Hello, two please on the Purple Pavillion?"

She frowned looking annoyed, "What kind of language is that? A fancy word for a bedroom?" 

Draco turned red as a couple of people turned to stare. "N-no ma'am. I mean two seats on the Purple Pavillion."

She nodded then whispered in a low voice, "I know kid. Is there anything else you'd like to say?"

"Oh! Wolfstar," Draco whispered. 

"Good job," said the witch and headed to what looked like the door to a broom closet. She opened it, "There you go."

 Draco smiled and walked in "Thank you." He motioned for Harry to follow. Harry had been watching this whole encounter and at this point was very confused and felt oddly out of place. Draco shot him a desperate look and mouthed "Trust me." Harry nodded and walked to join him in the broom closet. Immediately when Harry walked in, the door closed, and they were dropped 10 levels. 

"AHHHH!" Harry screamed, while Draco stood their calmly, checking his reflection in a small mirror on the wall. 

The elevator came to a sudden stop at the bottom. The doors opened up to reveal a large fancy dining hall. The floors were marble and shined so brightly you could see your own reflection, the walls were decorated in purple and white ribbons connecting white columns that held up the roof. A complete orchestra played in the corner of the hall next to a blazing fire place, while waiters dressed in the finest white suits money could buy walked around taking orders. But the real wonder, was the chandeliers. Tiny crystals hung off of the chandeliers shimmering all the colors of the rainbow, and chains of purple and blue flowers intertwined around the crystals and held them in place. Small glass disks lay on top of all of these on the chandelier, almost resembling plates. The interesting thing was, the chandeliers would drop down on what ever table was below them and would drop the food on to the tables. The orders were always correct, and somehow, those perfectly pristine plates stayed pristine even when being dropped down with the chandelier. (A/N: If you're having trouble imagining this, basically the plates are balanced on the disks of the chandelier, and have the correct order for the table that they are above. The whole chandelier drops just above  the table when the food is all ready.)

Harry stared at the dining hall in wonder. Draco smirked, "Impressed Potter?" he asked. 

"Wow...it's not a pavilion but it's beautiful," Harry whispered. He was to busy taking in the sights, smells, and tastes of the place to notice Draco staring over at him, an adoring grin slowly spreading over his face. But it was gone just as quickly. 

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