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Draco walked into Hogwarts with a giant smile on his face, for the first time in a long time. 

"Wow, someone looks happy to be back," a voice called from behind him. 

"Hi Blaise," Draco greeted his old friend. 

"Was Christmas with your mother that bad? Or are you just itching to see Potter again?" Blaise teased. 

"Don't be ridiculous Blaise," Pansy said slyly walking up from behind him. Draco jumped. "I hear they spent Christmas break together." 

Blaise raised an eyebrow at Draco. 

"I...W-Well it wasn't all Christmas break! Just you know..the first few days, then I went to go see my mother and spend the rest with her," Draco spluttered defensively.

Blaise shared a look with Pansy.  "Already going home to visit the family Draco?" 

Draco frowned. "It's not like that." The other two shared a look again. "Stop doing that!" Draco said. "You make it seem like I'm hiding something." 

"Sorry Dray, didn't mean to imply that you were," Pansy said, then lowered her voice, "But could to you a minute?" 

Draco nodded slowly, "I thought you were?" 

"She means, in private," Blaise said, motioning to a a group of third years roaming the halls. 

"Okay," Draco said confusedly. The three walked up to Pansy's dorm. She silently latched the door behind them. 

"Draco...I know I've made jokes before. But this seems to be getting really serious, so I'd really like you to answer us honestly," Pansy said awkwardly. 

"Do you like Harry? Or are you guys already dating?" Blaise asked. 

Draco turned red. "I..yes. I do. No we're not dating, he only invited me to spend time with him during Christmas break because I told him how boring things would be for me. It was a pity kind of thing." 

Pansy and Blaise rolled their eyes simultaneously. 

"So let me get this straight," Blaise started, "You think it's just an everyday kinda thing to just feel bad for someone and then offer to take them home to meet their family?" 

"Not just that,"Pansy added, "But to stay there, for several days, out of pity?" 

"Well..when you say it like that...But no. He has the typical hero complex. That's just who he is. It 's one of the reasons I've grown to like him so much. I used to think he did it for the attention, but he's actually a really sweet guy," Draco said softly. 

"Bleghhhh" Blaise mocked throwing up. 

"Oh hush!" scolded Pansy. "I had a hunch Draco. I wouldn't have set you up on that date if I didn't think it was what you wanted."

Draco raised an eyebrow. 

"No really. I want what's best for you. And you should note that Hermione helped me do the set up, and so did Neville, and I don't think they would've helped if they didn't think it was best for Harry," Pansy said slyly. 

Draco smiled, "Cant argue with that." 


Harry rushed down  the hall. 

Late late late late was all he could think as he half walked half ran to Professor Agrestos class. Of all the classes to be late for, it had to be this one. Normal teachers, nice teachers, understood if he was late because he got off schedule during Christmas break, but this teacher was neither of those things. 

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