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Draco walked to the Great Hall shivering his bones off. The snow had come all of a sudden, which he supposed was to be expected now that it was December, but still, what a contrast it was to the weather there at the picnic just a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly a soft object hit him in the back of the head. 

"There you go," said Harry. Draco looked down to see what the object was. It appeared to be a crumpled up long-sleeved shirt with a hat attached to it. Draco picked it up and frowned. It was extremely soft. 

"What is this?" he asked. 

Harry gaped at him. "You don't know what a hoodie is?" Draco shook his head. "They're only the best invention by Muggles ever! The most comfortable piece of clothing you'll ever wear." 

Draco gently lifted it up over his head and put his arms through the sleeves. "Wow, that's really soft." He sniffed it, broomsticks and treacle tart. "Wait..this is yours." He started to take it off.

"No no! It's okay, keep it for now. You looked cold. Hermione noticed and suggested I give you something," Harry said. Draco turned to look for Hermione and saw her down the corridor laughing with Pansy about something. 

He rolled his eyes. "Yes. I'm sure she did. None the less, thanks Potter." 

Harry beamed, triggering an eruption of butterflies to explode in Draco's stomach. "Of course! You know what else warms me up?" Harry whispered. He was awfully close now, Draco could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. 


"Food!" Harry smiled and dragged Draco by the arm into the Great Hall. 

Food did succeed in warming Draco up, or maybe it was Harry sitting next to him. Whatever it was, he felt much happier. Headmistress McGonagall held up her glass, clinking it with a spoon. "Attention students!" The whole school began to quiet down and pretty soon 200 pairs of eyes were on Professor McGonagall. "I just wanted to say you all have been doing a marvelous job of showing house unity. If you continue to do such a great job, maybe we can even book the Celestial Warbeck to play at the ball." The students groaned. McGonagall laughed, "I'm just kidding. We're working on booking the Weird Sisters again!" Everyone cheered,  except Harry who grimaced slightly remembering the ball where the Weird Sisters had played last. Not one of his best nights. "Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for being so great this year. And I mean all of you." She winked at Draco and Harry. Both boys blushed. "Enjoy the dinner!" McGonagall sat back down. 

"You going to the ball?" Harry asked Draco quietly. 

Draco shrugged. "Maybe, I don't have a date." 

"You don't have to have a date to go," Harry replied, his mouth filled with shrimp. 

"I know. It's also just because I don't want to spoil it for everyone," Draco said. 

Harry furrowed his eyebrows."How would you do that?" 

Draco sighed, "Harry look around. Do you really think any of these people like me that much?" I do, Harry thought, but looking around, he could see what Draco meant. Even now, some Gryffindors were giving him judgmental looks from further up the table, as well as people from other houses. Even some Slytherins seemed to be giving him the stink eye. "People may tolerate me," Draco continued, "but that doesn't mean they want me at their special event. And besides, it isn't like I would have people lining up to be my date like they used to." Harry frowned. 

"Well maybe we could go together," he said. Draco choked on his chicken.

"As friends!" Harry quickly added. "With Hermione and Pansy and Neville and Ginny and Luna!" Draco seemed to recover, if looking slightly disappointed. 

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