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      A/N: Small mention of self harm, but very brief. 

    Harry waited for a letter back from Draco for the rest of the day. And the next. And the day after the next. Nothing. 

       Every time Errol brought the morning post, Harry would excitedly jump out of his chair and run to the window to see if there was a letter from Draco. There never was. 

     After about two weeks, the registration for Hogwarts arrived, along with a list of supplies and books to collect from Diagon Alley for the coming school year. 

    "Well last chance to change your mind Ron," said Hermione waving the registration letter in front of his face like a banner. 

   "No thanks 'Mione. My mind is made," Ron smiled. 

    Hermione pouted, "Well if you're sure..." \

    Ron began to look annoyed with her, "I AM sure." 


    "It is." 

    "I know." 

"Well you just know everything don't you?" Ron snarled sarcastically. 

"I never said that," Hermione replied curtly. 

"Didn't have to. You always think you know better than me, and most of the time you're right, but this time you're not respecting my decision to want to spend time with one of the few brothers I have left. You never respect my decisions," Ron said looking irate. 

"That is not true Ronald!" Hermione yelled. 

"Then why are you acting like I'm making the wrong decision about working with my brother?" Ron yelled back. 

"BECAUSE I'M GOING TO MISS YOU!!!" Hermione screamed bursting into tears. 

    At seeing his girlfriend cry, Ron immediately rushed to her side to hug her. "Shhh. It's going to be ok. I'm here. I won't ever leave you," he whispered gently in her ear. 

    "I-I know. It's just that...You left me in the forest. And I've barely been away from you since you came back that day, or since the war ended. And I've already lost my parents. I can't lose you too," Hermione sniffed. 

     "You'll never lose me. I'm yours," Ron whispered. 

       "But what if you get tired of me writing you long lengthy letters and you don't write me back?" Hermione asked. 

    "That won't happen," said Harry as he walked into the living room where the screaming match had previously occurred. Ron and Hermione looked up. 

   "How do you know?" Hermione asked. 

    "You're not the only genius 'Mione. Ron loves you more than he hates writing. And that means he loves you a lot. Besides, he's not a Malfoy. He at least knows how much it means to you to write you back," Harry said spitefully. 

  "Harry mate-" Ron started, but was interrupted by a thump on the window. "Oh, that's Errol. I'll check the post. He might have written back."

    "Sure..."Harry grumbled struggling to keep his heart rate normal. 

      Ron glanced through the letters. He looked up at Harry with a pitiful stare. 

     "He hasn't written back, has he?" Harry said. The spite in his voice was gone, replaced with an overwhelming sadness that clouded his vision, and made both Ron and Hermione want to give him the biggest hug on earth. 

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