Seekers Game

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It was a late September evening, and Draco was headed to the Quidditch pitch to clear his thoughts. Yet another Pureblood family had been attacked, and this one, Draco knew fairly well.

The Notts had been killed, or injured badly late yesterday evening. Theodore Nott used to be one of Draco's best friends. Rich, and followers of Lord Voldemort, the Notts were often invited to the Malfoy's dinner parties, and they were invited to the Nott's balls. Theo would often escape with Draco away from all the dancing and out to the garden where the peacocks roamed, and together, they would chase the birds until they fell down laughing with feathers all over themselves. Now Theo was in the hospital, and although he had not been a kind person to anyone who wasn't Pureblood, Draco couldn't help but miss one of his oldest friends. 

Now there was the issue that the only families being attacked were Death Eater families, who hadn't been sent to Azkaban for their crimes. Who the murderer was, or the group of people it was, was still completely unknown. And so Draco walked to the Quidditch pitch even nows inside of Hogwarts ground, the safest place in the Wizarding World, silently terrified of a sneak attack that would end in his death. 

He silently walked up to the doors to the Quidditch pitch and yanked them open. He was surprised to see a very familiar someone already flying high above the Quidditch pitch, messy hair even more wild from the wind. When he noticed Draco, he smiled and happily flew down to greet him. 

"Hey Malfoy! Fancy a fly?" Harry asked. 

Draco nodded and mounted his Nimbus 2001. "Yeah, the last time I was on a broom, the person flying it was downright awful. I almost died."

Harry's eyes widened, "Really? Who was it?"

Draco smirked. "You."


"Yes you Potter."

"I saved your life! And I'd like to see you do any better flying out of a room before you were consumed by flames!" Harry protested. 

Draco's eyes suddenly went dark and he shook his head."No, I suppose I couldn't...but I could beat you in a Seeker's game." 

Harry frowned. "What's a Seeker's game again?" 

"We toss a Snitch in the air and see who can catch it first. No bludgers in the way, or any other fliers. Just you, me and the Snitch. And winner gets bragging rights," Malfoy said proudly. 

Harry smiled. "Well I hardly ever lose a game, and seeing as there's no dementors around I highly doubt I will be. You're on." 

"Then let the game begin," Draco reached into his pocket and let the Snitch he was holding fly up into the air. "On the count of three, we take off. One, two-"

Harry took off into the sky. "Wanker," Draco huffed with a smile on his face, before kicking off. 

For just a moment. Draco forgot this was a competition, as he flew up, up, up into the sky. The wind was in his hair, whipping past his face, and everything was just perfect bliss as he gazed out at the castle from up above. Then from the corner of his eye, he saw a little glint of gold. He pretended not to see it and flew quickly over to the Ravenclaw stands. This trick seemed to work on Harry as he started following Draco, but last minute he did a Wronski feint and flew right towards where the Snitch really was. Draco huffed and dived after him. 

The Snitch suddenly shot into the sky like a rocket and spiraled up above the clouds. Draco and Harry both shot up after it. Draco nearly had it in his finger tips, when suddenly it dashed  back down to the ground below. Draco and Harry shared a look before both dived after it, both determined to show off. 

Draco did a set of barrel roll towards the ground, zeroing in on the Snitch before pulling up roughly right before hitting the ground, and Harry did a sort of spiral spin to the ground before the Snitch suddenly veered off to the right, and inside of the lower stands. 

It was just like the first time they ever went flying together. They were side by side reaching for the Snitch, fingertips nearly touching as they reached for it. Harry was slightly faster, and had his fingers almost completely trapping the Snitch before making the mistake of looking at Draco, and forgetting what he was doing entirely. 

Draco had the most determined look on his face, and his hair had crazy curls in it. It looked the softest it ever had. His lips were pink, his cheeks red with windburn, and Harry decided that if letting Draco win was what it took for him to get to see this side of Draco again, he would let him win in a heartbeat. So gently he loosened his grip just slightly so the Snitch darted out from him and right into Draco's outstretched palm. 

"WOOHOO!" Draco roared. He soared out of the stands, the most triumphant smile on his face. "DID YOU SEE THAT POTTER?" He shouted happily. 

Harry nodded pretending to look upset."Yeah, I thought I had it." 

"Yes ! I did too, but then it darted away from you last minute and right into my hand! Silly old thing," Draco beamed and brushed his hang through his windswept hair, causing Harry to get momentarily distracted again. 

"Mm yes, you were marvelous. But this isn't over yet. One day we're having a rematch." 

Draco smiled lightly, "Yes, and I'll be happy to kick your arse again."

Harry rolled his eyes. "In your dreams Malfoy."

"So you're saying you want to be in my dreams? Afraid you're not quite that special to me Potter." The two continued to bicker all the way back to the castle, they were so busy doing this in fact, that they never noticed Hermione, Neville, and Pansy at the far end of the Gryffindor table watching them carefully. 

"Gosh could they be any more obvious?" Neville asked. 

Pansy laughed. "Draco's actually really smart, but not when it comes to feelings. I think he's like him for awhile but there's no way he would ever admit it. "

Hermione nodded. "Same with Harry, well I don't think he's like him forever, but maybe since after the trial, and definitely after they started talking and hanging out with him." Draco suddenly let out a loud laugh causing Harry to look slightly pink. 

Pansy rolled her eyes, "Idiots," but her eyes were full of fondness. 

Neville sighed, "Never liked Draco much but they look really happy. We got to get these two together somehow." 

The girls nodded, "Agreed, so what are we going to do Neville? You never actually told us." Hermione remarked. Neville blushed, "Well...I didn't actually know yet. But now, I think I have an idea..." 

A/N: I'll keep this short. It's been a long time since I updated, but I promise that this time the whole fanfic is actually complete, so now I can post a chapter every Sunday until it's over. I got stuck and was running out of ideas, and realized I just needed to kind of change the way the fic was going and try something new. 

This fic was previously titled "My Favorite  Ferret," but I changed the name to "Protected By Your Love as it seems to fit better. Hope you all liked the chapter! 

Please don't forget to vote and comment! Peace <3

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