Write From the Heart

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            After his breakfast, Harry, still holding his ferret made his way up to his bedroom to write Draco a letter back. 

           He set his ferret on his desk, and began to write the letter. He made it to "Dear Draco" before crumpling the paper up and throwing it away. 

          Draco's letter had been very special, and had been personalized enough that it could only be written for Harry from Draco. He wanted to make sure his letter was as just as meaningful. 

      So he picked up his quill and began again. 

       Dear Ferret, 

            I was very excited to get your letter!  Normally I don't like writing much, but I suppose I'll make an exception for you. 

         You are different from your father. I think it was very brave of you to write me an apology. But I really have moved on from how awful you were to me in first year. And I wasn't exactly an angel myself. 

         Wait. No, no, no. He couldn't say Draco was awful, he didn't want to make Draco feel bad. 

  Harry crumpled up the paper and threw it away too. He then proceeded to slam his head down on his desk, hard enough for it to shake and for the lamp to fall of and shatter on the floor. Harry groaned.    

       At this point, half the Weasley household had heard the lamp shatter, and Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Molly stood in the doorway of his room. 

     "Mate! Are you alright?" asked Ron running over to him. 

     "Yeah, I'm fine. Just my dignity is scarred," Harry replied.

      "Well and your forehead," Ron joked. Hermione smacked him. 

     "Harry dear! Are you sure you're alright? Do you need anything? Tea, water? I still have some leftover treacle tart downstairs if you'd-" Molly started but was cut off my Ginny. 

    "Mum! I think he's okay. What were you doing Harry?"  Ginny asked kindly. 

     "Well...I was just-just trying to...ya know figure out how to say thank you-well not thank you so much as ask a question..." Harry trailed off blushing. 

    Hermione put a hand on his shoulder, "You're okay Harry. We love you. Just tell us." 

   Harry signed, "I was just trying to write Draco a letter. But I didn't really know what to say...I mean I did know what to say but I didn't know how to word it I guess." 

   Hermione and Ginny shared a look. "Well Harry...I think you should just write from the heart. You can never go wrong when you do that," Hermione told him softly. 

   "Yeah. You don't have to try and act cool, or use big fancy words or anything. Just write what you're feeling," Ginny encouraged. 

   "I guess I could try that. But what if I don't know what I'm feeling?" Harry questioned. 

   "It's okay to be confused. You don't have to have everything figured out, just try," Ginny smiled. 

      Mrs. Weasley had left the room a long time ago, but Ron was still there. Silently watching. Trying to understand, until finally, he figured it out. He stared at Harry in utter shock. "You-you...HOW AND WHEN?

    Harry frowned. "How and when what? What did I do?" (#Harryisnotaravenclaw)

   "YOU LIKE-" Ron was cut off by both Hermione and Ginny each clapping a hand over his mouth. 

  "Like writing! Which he really should get back too! Ta ta!" Hermione said. She and Ginny dragged Ron from out of the room and shut the door. 

  "Ta ta?" Harry said to no one,. He sat back down and resumed letter writing. This was harder than it seemed. "Write from the heart...from the heart.." Harry bit his lip and began one more time. 

      Dear My Favorite Ferret, 

      Thank you so much for your letter! You have no idea how much it mean to me. Really, NO idea. Kinder, braver than any Gryffindor I know, heck you're twice the man he'll ever be. 

    I'm sure you have better taste in gifts than him. Seriously, you're ferret is my new favorite thing, like ever! He's so soft and cute and cuddly. I love him. I had no idea you could be so sentimental. 

    I would love to meet up with you sometime in Diagon Alley! We could get our books together and then eat lunch at the Leaky Cauldron. Maybe, two weeks from Saturday? Meet up at 10? 

  And also, I don't care if people don't want you to come back to Hogwarts. I want you too. And besides, if anyone has anything to say against you, they'll get to see how I  protect my friends. 



     Harry signed his letter hastily and addressed the envelope to Malfoy Manor. Then he gave the envelope to Errol, and the spotted owl flew out the window with it. 

     Harry felt a small aching in his heart. It should have been Hedwig that delivered that letter. It should have been her soaring away, wings widespread. But it wasn't. And although pieces of Harry's heart were still broken, it was slowly beginning to heal itself back together. Piece by piece. 

        *   *   * 

 A/N: Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Please don't forget to comment and vote! 

Ron has now figured it out. How long do you guys think it will take Harry too? 

I guess you'll have to wait and see. ;) 

Interesting Fact:  Fred's death was the hardest for J.K. Rowling to write. Don't know about y'all, but it was one of the hardest ones for me to read. :( 

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