Christmas at the Weasleys

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Draco had taken to walking around Hogwarts with a new skip in his step. Yes, he always did have kind of a Malfoy prance, but that was based off of his feelings of self assurance and confidence, whilst now he walked with the joy of knowing he wasn't assured safety because of his name, but because of his new band of friends who had only gotten tighter since the last attack.

Since then, the few weeks before Christmas break had blazed by, and now, Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny had just arrived at the Burrow. 

Draco looked anxiously at the door, holding a sack of gifts. Although he felt accepted and cared for with all of the people currently with him, he wasn't so sure he was ready to be submerged in a group of several people who he previously despised, and they him. He backed away from the door. "Perhaps they're not home and we should come back later," he said tentatively. A loud BANG! sounded from the door at that moment and loud shouts could be heard. 

Ginny smirked, "I think they're home." Draco swallowed heavily. "HELLO!" Ginny shouted. 

Mr. Weasley opened the door and smiled at her. "Hello Ginny dear," he pulled her into a hug. Harry! M' boy! How have you been holding up?" he said eagerly clapping Harry on the back. 

"Well sir, and you?" Harry asked. 

"Great! And come on Harry there's no need to be so serious, we're all family here," Mr. Weasley smiled. "Hello Hermione! Ron's just been itching to see you! And-" Mr. Weasley suddenly stopped the smiling and gave Draco a once over look. "Hmph. Heard you'd be coming. Not fond of visiting your father in Azkaban even at Christmas?" 

Draco looked at the ground and shook his head. Then suddenly offered a hand. "Nice to meet you Mr. Weasley, officially. I apologize for any pain I may have caused you or your family. I can't speak on behalf of my father, as these days I don't really keep up with him anymore, but I am also sorry for any pain he caused you as well. Thank you for inviting me to your lovely home." 

Mr. Weasley still watched Draco warily but nodded a greeting and a "your welcome" and hesitantly shook his hand, before letting the four of them inside. 

Upon walking inside, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione were immediately engulfed in hugs, and Draco awkwardly stood off to the side, still clutching his bag of gifts to his chest like a lifeline. Ron had picked Hermione up in excitement, spun her around, and kissed her passionately as though it was their first kiss all over again. George was animatedly showing Ginny a  new "treat" that he had been developing for his shop, and Mrs. Weasley had already started stuffing food inside Harry's belly. Charlie and Bill gave their sister a hug and remarked on how nice it was to see Harry and Hermione again, and Hermione officially as Ron's girlfriend. Fleur stood nursing the baby she and Bill had just had in the corner though she did raise a hand to greet the newcomers, and Andromeda had brought Teddy who was sitting on her lap practicing his nose into hers. 

Draco didn't really know what to do so he just stood admiring the scene before him and contrasting how different it was to his own home, which was quiet, empty, neat, and dark. Then there was the Burrow, all bright colors, shouts, mess, and people. Overwhelming and chaotic as it was, it was also its own form of beautiful. 

"Oh my, how rude of me!" Mrs. Weasley said having just noticed Draco. "You were standing so quietly off to the side I didn't see you! A guest in my home, come get something to eat dear, you look famished!" She beckoned Draco over to the kitchen. He would've protested, had his stomach not growled very loudly at that precise moment. "Now, Harry told me some of your favorite foods include cucumber sandwiches and apple pie, so we'll be having the apple pie as a dessert at dinner, but for now, you could eat a sandwich for a snack, or anything else you want! If there's anything else you'd like, please let me know, though I probably couldn't make it as nicely as I'm sure some of your house elves do at your house." 

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