The Unity Ball

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          Harry took a deep breath and looked in the mirror one last time. This was it. The night of the ball. He didn't know why he was so nervous. He and Draco had been dating for over a month now, but tonight felt different. Like everything was going to change somehow. 

"Harry?" Hermione called from down the stairs. "It's time for the ball. Are you ready?" 

"Yeah, coming!" Harry called back and made a dash for the door, tripping over his robes in the process and almost falling flat on his face. He was particularly glad Draco had left to change somewhere else and wasn't there to see him do that. He Fixed his glasses on his face and walked down the stairs feeling rather stupid with Neville, Hermione, Luna, and Ginny's eyes on him. 

"Okay wow," Ginny said. "Draco's going to faint when he sees you." 

"She's right Harry. You look quite lovely. And not just because of the robes, with Draco all the Nargles seem to leave your head. It's much clearer and more empty inside."

Harry tried to ignore the fact she had just called him empty-headed and instead focused on the looking nice part. He smiled at his friends. "Thanks, you all look nice as well." It was true everyone looked wonderful. Neville had kept the navy blue robes, and they did in fact bring out his eyes. Ginny was wearing a low-cut dark green dress and her hair was in loose curls around her shoulders. Luna's hair was straightened, and flowed down her waist, complimenting the periwinkle lightweight material her dress was made of. Hermione was wearing the deep purple dress that Rori had recommended, her hair in a twisted half up style, and Harry knew Ron would've killed to see this. "Ron's going to be so upset he missed this." Harry joked with Hermione. 

She smiled mischviously. "Oh, I was planning on paying him a visit after the ball." 

Everyone's eyes widened. "Damn Granger!" Pansy suddenly walked into the room wearing her satin black dress. "Didn't know you were like that!" 

"Where's Draco?" Harry asked confusedly looking around. 

"Relax Romeo," Pansy rolled her eyes. "He'll be down stairs." 

They all exited the Common Room and ventured down to the Great Hall to find it had been utterly transfigured.

House pride flags were strung everywhere. There were no Blue tables, or yellow, or green or red, only all four. The four colors had been painted together on the tables, and on the streamers and balloons, so there were no lines, nor were they all mixed with each other, but in a the dye style where all could be seen simply existing right next to each other, separate, yet together. There were several dessert trays set out on one side of the Hall, and in the center was the dance floor with rotating colored lights underneath, lighting it up. Harry thought it was beautiful, and his breath as already taken away, so when he Draco awkwardly tapped him on the shoulder and he saw him, he just about fainted. 

Draco looked angelic. His hair was left light and  fluffy, just the way Harry liked to run his hands through it. His eyes were glowing, his robes a deep green that complimented Harry's own eyes. His skin was pale, but his cheeks and lips were flushed a pretty rose pink. All in all, Harry decided he had never looked prettier. Was it weird to think of him as pretty? In the moment, Harry really couldn't care less. 

Draco stood awkwardly waiting for Harry's eyes to finish roving over him, but couldn't say he didn't like the view himself. Harry robes made his eyes sparkle an even brighter green, and his hair, messy and crazy as it was, fitted Harry so well. Everything about Harry was just perfect, just so him, and that cute little smile on his face was almost enough to make Draco lose it completely. "May I offer you some treacle tart?" Draco finally said, offering an arm up to Harry. 

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