Bathroom Breaks Suck

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Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron stood on Platform 9 & 3/4 waiting for the train to arrive. Ginny was holding her bags and dancing around almost, as though eager to see someone, Harry was fidgeting with his suitcase, debating if he should really have brought his ferret because if the Daily Prophet ever found out he would be done for, and Hermione and Ron were crying into each others arms, as they had been doing a lot of the week before. 

"I'll miss you 'Mione," Ron whispered into her bushy brown hair. 

Hermione choked, "Not nearly as much as I'll miss you." 

Ron shook his head. "Maybe you'll smell my hair again in Amortentia if you brew it and then you won't miss me as much," he joked. 

Hermione snorted and punched him, "Maybe I will..." 

Harry rolled his eyes at his lovesick best friends as the Hogwarts Express let out a whistle at its arrival. All at once, everyone bustled to get to the best spots on the train, but Hermione, Ginny, and Harry had no trouble hurrying as they gave their last teary eyes hugs and goodbyes to Ron. 

The train whistle blew again, and the three sadly hurried onto the train, not before Hermione quickly snogged Ron. 

"Where should we si-?'' Ginny started before seeing a familiar head of long curly blonde hair. "Luna!" Ginny squealed excitedly and ran excitedly to the compartment where she saw her, Hermione and Harry following close behind. 

Luna was sitting in a compartment with Neville, laughing over a joke he told. Ginny frowned. "Oh..hello Neville! How have you been?" she asked smiling slightly aggressively. 

"Marvelous Ginny! And you? Summer been treating you and the Chosen One well?"Neville smiled. 

"Well actually-"

"Actually.."Harry said walking in and putting an arm around Ginny, "We broke up and are enjoying a very perfect, very platonic, bromance." 

Ginny smiled, "What he said." 

Luna smiled, causing Ginny's heart to skip a beat, (A/N: I'm sorry Leville fans but Linny won this fanfic...) "Well the three of you are welcome to sit with us. We were getting lonely." 

"We would love to!" Hermione said. Hermione sat next to Neville, and Harry next to Hermione, with Ginny sitting next to Luna on the opposite side of the compartment. 

"So...are you and Luna dating, Neville?" asked Harry. Luna and Neville both laughed, but neither answered.Ginny narrowed her eyes. 

"Wow Luna, your hair looks amazing today! What shampoo are you using?" Ginny asked, brushing a hand through Luna's silky blonde locks. 

"'s a special orange scented one that my dad and I make. It's supposed to keep the nargles away," Luna said.

"Wonderful! I'll have to try it sometime," said Ginny. 

"I'm sure I can get it to you for 20% off. My friends get special disounts," Luna  whispered leaning closer to Ginny's face. Ginny blushed.

Neville coughed. "I was just saying how that shampoo makes her hair smell amazing too, doesn't it Ginny?" 

Ginny jumped, having forgotten anyone was there but her and Luna. "Yes, but I think it alwas smells good," Ginny smiled sweetly. 

"You're too kind really," Luna grinned. Neville rolled his eyes, and slouched in his seat holding a plant to his chest and grumbling. 

Harry rolled his eyes playfully, "I'm going to look for the trolley.." he said getting up. 

Hermione frowned, "Harry you don't look for the trolley the trolley comes to you," she replied. 

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