He Cares

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Last night, the Goyles were returning home from a function in the Wizards Wing of Buckingham Palace,  to find a light in their house, and the door unlocked. They had just walked in, still in their evening apparel, when they were brutally attacked by an intruder in their own home. The bodies were discovered by the Ministry just hours later after the events, to find them bloodied on the floor of their kitchen. Although it could have been a wizard, it is unlikely as the bodies were covered in blood as they would be for a muggle murder, rather than the killing curse most commonly used by wizards for murder. No other news has been relayed to the public of the suspects, the attack, or the victims. We can only hope the attacker is being caught, however doubtful that would be with our slow Ministry.

                               -Rita Skeeter 

That was what all the newspapers said when Harry walked into the Great Hall the next morning for breakfast, and it didn't exactly make him feel better after remembering his fight with Draco last night. He sat down with Hermione and Neville at the Gryffindor table, and glanced over at Draco. 

He was sitting at the edge of the Slytherin table, in the middle of a conversation with Pansy, but Draco couldn't look more disinterested. He was looking down at the ground, fiddling with his clothes, and Harry could've sworn he saw a tear roll down his cheek, but he was to far away to tell for sure. For just a second, Draco looked up and met Harry's eyes, then promptly averted them, and went back to his conversation with Pansy, this time with a content smile on his face and a booming laugh. Harry looked away. 

"-and it would absolutely revolutionize the creation we make for pimple pus!" Neville was eagerly talking about a new plant he had discovered. 

"Mhm.." said Hermione, only half listening but not trying to be rude. "How was your night with the Slytherin prince Harry?" 

Harry looked down. " I said something mean..."

"WHAT? Harry you know Draco's been a bit tense lately but he seems to be trying. What did you get upset about?" Hermione asked a bit indignantly. 

"Well he was telling me about a case where a Pureblood got murdered, and I said at least the Muggleborns were okay, and then he was upset I just said Muggleborns and not anyone else, and than I basically accused him of being racist.." Harry said.

Neville whistled. Hermione grabbed Harry's hand, "Harry you've got to apologize,you've just got too."

Harry nodded, "I know. I'll do it when we have Potions this afternoon." 

Hermione frowned, "Why not now?"

"Because I'm with you! And he's with his friends anyway.." Harry murmured. 

Hermione shrugged and picked up her bag, "Well, we have to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts now anyway, and we can't be late on our first day." 

               ***Time Skip so they're in the classroom***

Harry and Hermione walked into the DADA room with a sense of dread. They had never had a teacher with this position that had lasted more than 1 year, and half the time they were evil. Maybe Professor Agresto would be nicer...

A paper airplane whizzed across the room and was caught with the swiftest move of an arm. The class quieted. 

"Well..what are you waiting for? I am the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and I expect to be acknowledged," said Professor Agresto in a sharp voice. 

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