Part of the Family

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      The past three weeks at Hogwarts shad been nothing but bliss for Harry and his friends. There had been no more Pureblood murder cases, and best of all things were going wonderfully with Draco. He had expected things with Draco to be a little awkward at first but it really wasn't. They walked with each other to classes, ate meals together and continued their flirty banter. The only thing that had changed was physical affection. 

They held hands in the hallways. They continuously sat on each other's beds cuddling and doing homework. They would fall asleep next to each other now, and wake up as a mess of limbs, perfectly content and happy. Harry had thought about kissing Draco many times, and they came awfully close to it several times, but one always turned away last minute, because both knew they wanted it to be special. The ball was going to be the time. 

 It was now early March, and the ball was set for March 31st. Draco had insisted that Harry had to look presentable for the ball and therefore had drug  him down to Hogsmeade to go dress robe shopping. Pansy, Hermione, and Neville had decided to tag along too. 

"Now this was a store I use go to with my mom. They have the nicest, expensive looking robes for relatively good prices," Draco explained after leading his friends (and boyfriend) to a store labeled British Sparrow in a back alley. The group walked in and the doorbell rang loudly, announcing their arrival. 

"Well hello there Mr. Malfoy!" Said a kind looking auburn haired witch. "It's good to see you! I heard about you're recent attack at Hogwarts, and I'm pleased to see you're feeling better. Is it true what the paper have been saying? Are you really dating Harry Potter?"she asked eagerly. 

Draco smirked and stepped to the side to reveal Harry standing behind him. Harry waved and smiled cutely. The witch gasped. "Mr. Potter! It's lovely to meet you," she rushed out of her chair and shook his hand excitedly. "I'm Hannah Abbots mom, Rori." 

"Nice to meet you Rori," Harry said politely. "Draco's taking me robe shopping and I'm told this was the place to go." 

"Oh you're to kind Draco!" She smiled and gave him a hug. "Alright now people, ladies, you all come with me, I have a beautiful slit hemlines black velvet dress that would look lovely on you," she said to Pansy. "And a dark purple column type gown with a solid ruffle trim that would really bring out your figure and beauty dear!" she said to Hermione. Hermione blushed scarlet but eagerly followed her to the woman's side of the store. 

"Now you boys go ahead and look in the men's section over there! There should be dress robes in any color or texture you like," called the witch happily. 

Draco, Harry, and Neville wandered over to the men's section. The dress robes varied from ombre to black, from dark green to light pink, cotton to satin, chiffon to crepe. Harry and Neville stood awestruck just looking around."Right, so now I would recommend silk chiffon or maybe satin," Draco said loudly, braking them out of their stupor.He picked up plain black dress robes made from satin. "Satin is known for being soft, shiny, and elastic with a beautiful drape. It's a fairly popular weave and this could look nice Harry." Draco handed him the robes. 

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I don't really get what you said Draco but I trust you." He beamed and disappeared into the changing rooms. He came out a few minutes later, the robes much to big for him. 

Draco bit his lip to keep from laughing, but Neville just about passed out. Harry rolled his eyes, "Wow, that great huh?" 

"We'll find something Harry no worries," Draco reassured him, and disappeared to find some more robes.

"So," Neville began looking through a few racks of clothes. "Are you guys going to color correspond?" 

Harry frowned. "What do you mean?" 

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