The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 6

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xX Yeah, it's finally!!!! I wonder how will Sophie save Layla!!! ^-^ If you want to know too, then let's READ!!! I also have a surprise for you!!! ^-^ Xx

Chapter 6

What am I going to do?? My best friend just got stuck inside a strange corridor with 3 Daleks that were after me! Not her! And what if they captured her and now their going to capture me too? I need to get out of here! But I also need to get Layla back! What if they kill her??

I cried at these thoughts. They can't kill her! B-But... the Daleks are known for being the worst creatures ever! teh cruelest ones! They have no mercy! But maybe, if I'm lucky, they just captured her...

Sudenly I heard a noise. The TARDIS' marvellous noise! And she appeared a few seconds later. The doors opened and the Doctor got out. He saw me crying and ran to me.

          The Doctor: Sophie! - he kneeled next to me - Why are you crying? - he said while cleaning my tears.

          Sophie: L-Layla...T-They t-took her... - I said while crying.

          The Doctor: Calm down! Everything's ok... - he said while hugging me - Who took her? Who took Layla?

          Sophie: T-The... - he looked at me - ... Daleks! - he looked at me in shock.

          The Doctor: What? The Daleks took her? How? What happened?

I calmed myself down and then explained everything to the Doctor. And he listened carefully.

          The Doctor: Argh! - he said while punching the ground - I wish I got here earlier!

          Sophie: It's not your fault... You didn't know. And why did you came here?

          The Doctor: The alien signal that I told you earlier is coming from here.

          Sophie: Oh... I'm so happy that you are here! - I hugged him and he hugged back - Please help me saving Layla.

          The Doctor: You don't even have to ask Sophie! - I smiled.

We got up and he got closer to the door. He took the same strange thing he used against the Cyberman, when we were in Paris, and pointed it to the door. It made the same strange noise, lightning the green light at the edge, and the door opened. What the hell? How did that little thing opened that huge door that was totally locked seconds ago?

          Sophie: Ok... What is that thing?

          The Doctor: This? - he showed me it and I nodded - It's my sonic screw driver.

          Sophie: Your sonic screwdriver? - he smiled and nodded - Ok...

We entered and this time the door didn't close. We walked down the corridor. A minute later a Dalek appeared.

          Dalek: Scanning! - he pointed us one of his arms - Scanning Complete! Two Time Lords found! Report back! - he turned and walked away.

          The Doctor: Two Time Lords? How is that even possible? There's no other Time Lord but me! Unless... - he looked to me. We stayed a few seconds in silence.

          Sophie: Ok, I'm not a human... I'm a... I'm a Time Lady. And I'm not 16. I'm 218 years old actually. - he stared at me mouth open for a few seconds, but then it turned to a smile.

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