The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 27

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xX I wonder what will happen in this chap!! As you all know, Sophie has forgiven the Doctor but will she forgive Amy for what she did before she met Sophie?? Let's READ and find out!!! Xx

Chapter 27

Sophie's P.O.V.

I woke up more than happy in my bed curled to the Doctor's chest who had an arm around me. He was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled as I remember everything that happened yesterday. But it then fell when I remembered what I discovered... Amy kissed the Doctor... I have already forgiven the Doctor since it hadn't been his fault. But I still haven't forgiven Amy... And I don't know if I'm ever going to forgive her... What she did... It was too much for me. She kissed my soulmate!! And she's one of my best friends... It really hurts to know that she actually kissed him. At least the Doctor tried to stop her. I'm happy for that. Suddenly the Doctor opened his eyes and looked at me with a smile and I smiled back.

          Sophie: Good morning sleepy. - I said as I kissed his nose and he grinned.

          The Doctor: Good morning my love. - he kissed me on the lips gently - Where do you wanna go today??

          Sophie: I don't know. I just wish we could just stay in this bed forever... - I said as I curled more to his chest.

           The Doctor: I know... I wish that too. But we wouldn't be able to see all the things in the Universe.

          Sophie: Yeah, that's the bad part of it. - I said and we laughed a little. He kissed my forehead.

          The Doctor: C'mon let's get up. Amy and Layla will wake up at any moment.

I reluntanctly got up from my bed and grabbed his shirt which was on the floor and then dressed it up.

          The Doctor: You look good with my shirt. - he said as he also got up.

It was strange to think that yesterday we... well, you know. I blushed at the thought but tried to hide it.

          Sophie: I'm going to the kitchen and prepare our breakfast. - I said as he smiled and hugged me from behind.

           The Doctor: Want me to help you? - he said as he kissed my neck.

          Sophie: No. Just make sure you're dressed when Amy and Layla wake up. - I said to my... naked soulmate with a giggle and he let me go to the kitchen. But before I got out I turned to him. - By the way, I've been thinking... Would you mind if I... well... moved to your room?? - I said a bit embarrassed and he smiled.

          The Doctor: I don't mind at all. - he said and I got out of my room happily.

I walked down the corridor to the kitchen, passing the Doctor's room and also Amy's room where I think Layla must be sleeping in too. When I got to the kitchen I got the coffee ready and toasted some toasts. I also made some pancakes since Layla loves them. I got everyone's breakfast ready in 10 minutes. Suddenly the Doctor got in and sniffed the air.

          The Doctor: What have you made for breakfast?? It smells wonderfully. - he said as he sat on the tabble and I gave him his food.

          Sophie: For you, pancakes and a cup of coffee. For me, a cup of coffee with milk and some toasts. - I sat on the tabble and ate with the Doctor. We smiled to each other as we ate.

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