The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 21

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xX And finally chapter 21!!! What is going to happen now that Rory is gone?? I'm sorry if this chap is not good like the others. I'm not having a lot of inspiration the past days :/ Especially now that school started again... But I'll try to write lot's of amazing chaps!!! ;D Now let's READ!!Xx

Chapter 21

We're now deciding where to go today. But I just can't think right now... Rory is gone... And what hurts me the most is that Amy doesn't and can't know that he's gone. I know she doesn't remember him, but I wish so much I could tell her... I know he was dead but... She still remembered him. If it wasn't that crack... Why did it appeared there? And in KIng Henry's palace? And in Amy's room? And in the Bysantium?? Which I don't know what the hell it is... But that doesn't matter right now! What if it appeared in other places and I didn't even noticed?? What if it's following me or something?? Or maybe Amy? Or the Doctor??? If it's following us... What can we do?? And what do they mean? What's happening in the Universe? And what the Doctor caught in on of them... that piece of the TARDIS... What does it mean??

          Amy: Sophie?? Hello?? Earth to-- Ah wait... TARDIS to Sophie!!! - she was waving in front of my thinking and distracted eyes and I woke up. Amy and the Doctor were looking worried at me.

          Sophie: Ah what? Sorry... I wasn't paying attention.

          Amy: Are you ok?

          Sophie: Yeah, yeah, I am, just... thinking of some things. Nothing much. So, what were you saying?

          Amy: I was asking you if you had any idea of where to go today?

          Sophie: Ah, sorry, no. No idea. - we thought for a moment. I noticed the Doctor still looking worried at me sometimes and I gave him a smile to calm down - Maybe we could to the future? Or the past again?

           Amy: I don't know... Hmm...

          Sophie: Any idea Doctor? - he made his hot thinking look as he thought for a moment.

          The Doctor: I think I know the perfect place! - he pressed some buttons - Sophie, stop making that face. - he said without looking at me.

          Sophie: What face?

           The Doctor: The oh-he's-so-hot-when-he's-thinking-face. - he said smirking and I blushed.

          Sophie: Oh shut up! - I said a bit embaressed and he pecked me on the lips before the TARDIS shook and we grabbed the console to stand still. I kind of like this now.

When it stopped I prepared myself for whatever was going to be on the other side of those doors. I quickly walked to the door with Amy and then the Doctor opened the doors for us. Amy and I walked outside, hand in hand, and looked around. We were in an esteroid, floating in space. There were tons of small asteroids floating nears us. And nto far away from us, was a big asteroid with a city in it. All of this was floating around a big old sun.

           The Doctor: Sophie, Amy, welcome to the Rings of Akhaten! - I grinned at the beautiful sigh and so did Amy.

          Amy: This is...

          Sophie: ... Amazing. - I breathed.

          The Doctor: I know. Now, look over there. - he pointed to an asteroid near the city. It had a pyramid.

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