The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 22

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  • Dedicated to my patient fans

xX Good news!! I'm finally going to update normally again!!!!! ^-^ And thank you all for waiting!!!! Since you waited for so long I'm going to post two chaps!!!! ;D

And you all know what happen last chap. A Dalek. Sophie. Dalek shot Sophie. What will happen to her now?????? Let's READ and find out!!! :D ^-^ Xx

Chapter 22

The Doctor's P.O.V.

          The Doctor: I'm going to ask again. What is this thing you need? - it didn't answered and it looked to Sophie.

          Dalek: We need her. - I turned to Sophie. A Dalek appeared right behind her. - Capture Time Lady!! - the Dalek behind her shoot her and she just vanished.

          The Doctor: NOOOOOOO!!!! - I turned angrily to the Dalek - What have you done?? Where is she?? Where is she?! - it didn't answer - Tell me!!! Where is my Sophie?!

          Dalek: Where she is needed. - before I could say something more they were both teleported.

          The Doctor: NO! Come back here!! Come back here right now and tell me where my Sophie is!!!

Nothing happened. They didn't come back. I sat on the floor next to the wall. They've taken her. They've taken my Sophie. My little and innocent Sophie. Suddenly Amy and Liz Ten appeared.

          Amy: Doctor there you are!

          Liz Ten: The Daleks! They all vanished! - a tear fell from my eyes.

          Amy: Doctor... where's Sophie? - I slowly turned my head to look to Amy.

          The Doctor: They... They took her. - she stared surprised and scared at me - This was all a trap. - I got up - Everything. The Daleks attacked the ship because they knew you were going to call me Liz. And they knew I wouldn't refuse to help you. And they knew I would bring Sophie with me. And when we found them... they took her.

          Amy: Took her how?

          The Doctor: They used a transmat beam. - she stared at me confused - They used a device called transmat beam to teleport her to their ship. - she nodded.

          Amy: Ah, ok. I understood now. What do we do?

          The Doctor: I don't know... - I muttered - Hmm... Ok, first things first. We need to find out where their ship is. When we find it we'll save Sophie and destroy those Daleks. Especially if they hurted her.

          Amy: But what if their more than just a ship? They can have thousands of ships Doctor! If we're going to defeat them, we need help. Wait. I just noticed something now...

          The Doctor: What?

          Amy: What if these Daleks are the same Daleks that we met in World War II?

          The Doctor: It can be them... I'm not sure. Let's not think about that now. We need to find the ship-

          Amy: Or ships.

          The Doctor: Yes... and find some of my old friends to help us. And of course, find a way to take down the Daleks. - she nodded.

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