The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 5

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xX Last chap = so cute!! <3 ^-^ Will the Doctor come after another 4 years or will he be quick this time? Hmm... I don't know so READ to know it!!! Xx

Chapter 5

16 years old. To humans of course. You all now that I'm older than 200 years. If I'm 16, it means that it has already passed 2 years since the last time I saw the Doctor right?? Yup, that's right. Believe me, if he takes another 4 years to visit me, I'm going to kill him right when I see him! I'm joking. That's my broken heart speaking. Why is it broken? My heart can't handle being separated of him for 2 years now. Why can't he just sudenly appear now?? Argh, why??

I'm diferent now. I'm taller. My hair is totally straigh and blond. Yes, blond. It's no longer brown. Layla's diferent too. She's so tall. She's way taller than me. Ok, not that much... Her skin is whiter now and her hair is still blond, but a little darker, and it's more wavy and a little longer.

After passing the ninth year with amazing grades, we decided to go to the same school. We didn't want to separate already. So we chose the same school together. And luckily we got to the same class. And now we're at eleventh year, still together. And we're going to be, at least untill the twelveth year.

Now we are deciding to have a little girls shopping day. We have so much fun in them. Everytime we go shoping together is crazy. In every shop we go, we try lot's of clothes and do funny poses. I love Layla. Everything we do, everywhere we go, we have so much fun together. And we spend sooo much money! Believe me, we spend SOOOO much money! But it's worth every dollar! We buy amazing and beautiful clothes for us. Sometimes we pay each other's clothes.

          Layla: So, it's decided. Today, girls shopping day. Tomorrow, sleepover.

          Sophie: Yup. Maybe I'll buy a new pijama. My pijamas are getting old and small.

          Layla: Yeah, it's better for you to buy a new one. I need a new one too. By the way, when are we going? 14:00h p.m.?

          Sophie: Yes, but we better be quick or we'll have to go earlier! - we laughed. We usually take a looong time in shops.

          Layla: Ok, ok! I promise I'll be quick!

          Sophie: Yeah, sure.

          Layla: Hey, have you already studied for the History test? - we are going to have a test next week.

          Sophie: Nope. And I don't need to. - I said confident while getting up of my bed.

          Layla: Of course you don't need, you lucky one! It's your favorite History subject! The Tudors. Henry VIII, right?

The Tudors have always been my favorite History subject. Especially, Henry VIII. He had in total 6 women. Two of them were "executed in the grounds of infidelity", like it says in my History book. Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, were the ones who were executed. Of his 6 women, Anne Boleyn is my favorite. I still can't believe how she could been executed. She was so nice and generous to the people. Especially the poor. Sometimes I wonder how a nice person like her could have been executed. And just because he wanted to marry another! So unfair! Maybe, one day, I could ask the Doctor to take me to 1533 so that I could meet Anne Boleyn. It would be so amazing!!

          Sophie: Yup.

          Layla: Although I'm loving this delightful chat, I need to go home for lunch. - she got up and left - See you at 14:00h p.m.!

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