The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 9

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xX .................................. hmm... I don't have anything special to say so... just READ, VOTE, COMMENT AND ENJOY!!! xD Xx

Chapter 9

I woke up really earlier, just like yesterday. But I wasn't feeling the Doctor's arms around me like he was before I fall asleep last night. I sat in the bed and looked around. No one... where is him?

Right when I thought that he opened the door of the other room and entered in ours. I sighed. What a relief... I was worried. He saw me awake and smiled to me. I smiled back.

          The Doctor: Good morning, Sophie! Slept well? - he said happily.

          Sophie: Good morning Doctor! Yeah, sure. This bed is really comfortable! I wish I could stay here forever! - I said while laying down again. He layed down next to me with a jump.

          The Doctor: Oh, forever is a long time! - we laughed - You need to spend that time with another things!

          Sophie: Like what?

          The Doctor: Like, travelling through time and space! - he got up - C'mon get dressed! We need to get Amy and Rory! I heard we're going to have a little competition... - I got up quickly.

          Sophie: A competition? What kind of competition? When? Where? - I asked ansiously.

          The Doctor: One of those riders competitions, where they use big sticks and kind of battle! - I know what he's talking about.

It's one of those tourneys where there are two riders in each turn. Each one with his horse, an armor and "the stick" the Doctor said, I don't remember it's name now... Well, there's this thing dividing the patch in two. One rider goes in one patch, the other goes in the other. They make their horses run. They run to each other and try to take the other one down with the "big stick".

          Sophie: A tourney??? When??

          The Doctor: After lunch! So get something dressed with something really nice! - he said with a smile - I'll be waiting outside.

He got out and I went to the closet. Ok... clothes... what can I wear?? I searched around the wardrobe and then I saw this orange and red dress, with some purple marks on it. It was like it was "calling me". Right there waiting for me to use it. I tryed and looked to the mirror. It looked great! Just the right size!

I got out of the room, ready to go find Amy and Rory with the Doctor, only to find all of them in front of the door. Rory was with the same clothes has yesterday. At least they seem the same to me. Amy was with a cute dress with different pink tons.

          Sophie: Hey guys! - I smiled and they smiled back.

          Rory: Hi Sophie, you look nice!

          Amy: I was about to say the same!

          Sophie: Thanks! You two look great too! Especially you Amy! - she blushed a little - Your dress is gorgeous!

          Amy: Your dress is gorgeous too!

          The Doctor: Ok, we all look great! Now let's go! We can't let the King wait! Or he'll cut our heads... - he said playful and Amy and I laughed.

We walked down some corridors, got down through a stair or two, turn left,n turn right and finally got to the banquette room, the same where we were last night. It was already full with people and... food. I only noticed now how hungry I was. I still haven't ate my breakfast. I looked at Amy. She looked hungry too. We looked to each other and then ran to our sits. We were sat right next to the King and the Queen, just like yesterday. Thanks to the Doctor and his psychic paper, we are super important! Not as important as the king, but almost. Pretty almost!

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