The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to the Whovians that will miss Matt Smith <3

xX Uff, chapter 18! Finally!! xD Ok, let's READ!!! Xx

Chapter 18

Sophie's P.O.V.

Wow, I'm SO happy!! Yesterday the Doctor and I got back together... after two years of waiting... And now we're happier together than ever!! Especially now that I know that we're soul mates. I kind of suspected we had a Time Lord thing bond uniting us. That's why I can't stop thinking of the Doctor all the time, I'm happy when he's happy, sad when he's sad, I know when he's happy, angry or sad and he knows the same about me. I just want to slap that on River's face and say something like 'HA! Take that blond bitch!! He may be married with you but now that's over!! He has me! His soul mate!! Take that!!' But I have a really kind heart, so... I wouldn't say that. I'm not that mean.

I woke up in my room, with the Doctor with his arms wrapped protectively around me. He spent the night with me in my room and we ended up sleeping together. Just sleeping! Not 'sleeping', ok?? I'm lucky that I haven't told it to Layla or she'll thought that I 'slept' with him... That would be a little embarrassing...

I looked to the Doctor and kissed his nose, which woke him up.

          Sophie: Hello bowtie lover. - I giggled.

          The Doctor: Hello little Sophie.

          Sophie: Stop calling me that. - I said with a dreamy voice while I curled up next to him - I'm not that little girl you met years ago, you know?

          The Doctor: I know. - he kissed my neck - And yes, I love bowties. - I laughed - Bowties are cool!

          Sophie: Do you love them more than me?

          The Doctor: Of course not! - he kissed my head - I love you more! More than anything in the Universe!

          Sophie: Hey, do you know what day is in hum... three days?

          The Doctor: Uhh... 9th May? - I laughed - Why? Is it a special day?

          Sophie: Of course it is! It's my birthday, Time Idiot! - I hit my pillow against his face.

          The Doctor: Ow! Sorry, I didn't know! But don't worry, now I know, so please don't hit me with that pillow again! - I kissed his noise again.

          Sophie: Ok... - I turned to him - So, what are you going to give me?

          The Doctor: That's a surprise!

          Sophie: Tell me!! Come on, tell me!!

          The Doctor: No! I don't want to ruin the surprise! You have to wait until your birthday day!! - I pointed my tongue out to him.

          Sophie: Ok, I'll wait... Now, get out of my room and let me get dressed. It's time to travel and we're late. - I got up and so did the Doctor - Amy and Rory must be already in the control room.

          The Doctor: Ok, dress something quick. Today, it's going to be you deciding where we're going. - I nodded and he kissed me in the lips before getting out of my room.

Since it's me choosing today... I have the perfect place in mind to go today... Now I just need the perfect clothes. I went to my wardrobe and dressed a pair of blue shorts and a white shirt with lot's of read and pink hearts. Perfect for my mood. Then I got out of my room and walked to the control room. After being one day in the past version of the TARDIS I kind of forgot a little where the control room is...

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