The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 20

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xX Let's READ and see if and how the Doctor and Nasreen will save Sophie, Amy, Mo and Elliot!! Xx

Chapter 20

The Doctor's P.O.V.

Nasreen and I have been walking through the tunnels.

          The Doctor: We're looking for a small tribal settlement. Probably housing around... a dozen homo reptilia. Maybe less!

          Nasreen: One small tribe?

          The Doctor: Yeah. - I turned, saw her and walked to her.

          Nasreen: Maybe a dozen? - she was looking to something and when I reached her I looked to where she was looking.

          The Doctor: Ah. - we were looking to a BIG colony of Silurians. I stared mouth open at it. - Maybe more than a dozen. Maybe more like an entire civilization living beneath the Earth.

We reached the civilization and were walking around their... buildings?

          The Doctor: This place is enormous! And deserted. The majority of the race must be still asleep. We need to find Sophie and Amy. - I used the sonic screwdriver - Looking for heats of internal anomalies.

          Nasreen: B-But, Doctor, how can all of this be here? I-I mean, these plants?!

I continued to walk and she followed me. There's no time for explanations. We need to find them. We entered in another tunnel.

          The Doctor: Must be getting close to the center of the city.

          Nasreen: You sure, this is the best way to enter?

          The Doctor: Front door approach. Definitely. Always the best way.

          Sensor: Hostile lifeforms detected. Area 17. - Oh great. They must have sensors that detected us.

          The Doctor: Apart from the back door approach. That's also good. Sometimes better. - she nodded. I walked to the opposite direction.

          Nasreen: Doctor... - I turned around. Some doors in front of us opened and some Silurians with weapons entered. I turned to the other side but other Silurians appeared from that side too. I lifted my hands.

          The Doctor: We're not hostile! We're not harmed! - they stopped. Nasreen did the same as me. - We come in peace! - one of them pointed us a tube that released a gas. We cough and then fell unconscious.

Sophie's P.O.V.

The Silurian was coming closer to Amy and she was still struggling.

          Amy: Don't you come near me with that! - he stopped in front of and took his mask out. He pressed something on a strange device near us.

          Silurian: For the clothing... The human female and the other female seems to be more resistant to the cold than the male.

          Sophie and Amy: We dressed for RIO! - we said angrily at the same time and Amy struggled more.

          Mo: Leave them alone! You've got me! - he pressed a button on another device and Amy's chains - if I can call them that - closed more hurting her.

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