The Doctor and The Time Lady - Chapter 23

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xX Let's see what the Doctor will do to save his dear Sophie shall we??

I have to say, it was so sad to write this chap while listening to the music on the side... it even brought tears to my eyes!! :( So let me warn you... this chap is incredibly sad. So if you're really emotional, like I am, then don't read it... Unless you want to take the risk... But don't forget... I warned you!! xD ;D Now let's READ!!! XX

Chapter 23

Sophie's P.O.V.

         Davros: Putt her back on her cell and let her rest. She needs to be full of energy when we activate the Reality Bomb tomorrow.

Some Daleks did as he said and took the wires of my head and took me of the chair to my cell with their transmat beam. When I appeared in my cell, I sat on the floor and opened my mouth letting the Time Vortex energy leave my body. I'll explain everything that happened after I opened the Genesis Ark...

I don't know how and where, but the Daleks found the remains of a TARDIS. And with it... part of that TARDIS' Time Vortex. They made me look at it. Just for two seconds, so that it would partially fill me and give me more power to control the Reality Bomb and the 27 planets. I wish I could use that power to escape but... the wires they put in my head don't let me. And if I even try, they'll give me an electric shock so powerful that it would kill me in a second. There must be a way... But that's not what's in my mind now...

The Doctor... he came. He even made a small army. Just to save me. I love him so much. I knew he would come and save me no matter what. But they were captured... What are they going to do now? I can't help them... I'm stuck in my stupid cell and I don't know how to get out... A tear fell from my eyes as I laid down on my bed. I wish the Doctor was here with me. I wish he was laid down next to me in this bed so that I could curl up against his warm body. With his arms around me. Protecting me. Comforting me. His beautiful and calming voice telling me that everything will be alright because he's going to save me. I cried and sobbed on my pillow until I fell asleep.

The Doctor's P.O.V.

We discussed our plan and then everyone laid down on the floor and fell asleep. Of course, I was awake. Thinking about my lovely Sophie. I wish she was laid down next to me so that I could wrap my arms around her to warm and protect her. Feel her sleeping next to my body. Smell her hair's fresh smell. Oh Sophie... I really hope our plan works... I know we've been separated just one day... but if feels so more than that. And tomorrow is your birthday... I don't want you to spend it here... So alone... In the middle of Daleks, our worst enemies who just seek destruction... I want you to be next to me and Amy tomorrow. In the biggest party ever. With Layla too. And with Rory, if he was still here, of course... I've noticed how sad you have been since he's gone... And I know how sad you are because Amy doesn't remember. I feel sad because of that too. It's horrible that we can't remember the one we love. Even if we try hard and hard. And we have live with the pain of something that we lost and can't remember... That's the worst pain ever. That... and loosing our soulmate. I love you so much. If I ever loose you... I would prefer to kill myself than to live with the pain of loosing you...

Sophie's P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of the night. It wasn't because of a nightmare. I just... woke up. And I wasn't having a nightmare. I was having a beautiful dream... The Doctor was in it.

We were piloting the TARDIS to our home planet. Gallifrey. I remember when he took me there. But the Gallifrey we travelled to, in my dream, wasn't a destroyed Gallifrey. It was Gallifrey before the Great Time War. It was so beautiful. The sky was of a burning orange... with the citadel closed in a mighty glass dome... shining under the twin suns... those beautiful mountains full of snow... and patches of deep red grass... Like I said, the Gallifrey before the Great Time War. The Doctor and I were finally... at home. We decided to spend the rest of our lives together in there... We even got married and... we became total soulmates... Everything was so beautiful and marvellous...

But then, I woke up. And remembered where I was and... without him. Such a beautiful dream... ruined by what we call reality. These are the times, when I just want to sleep and never wake up again. Live in my dreams where life is so more easy... Sleep and dream... and never wake up ever again. Me and the Doctor. With a happy life in Gallifrey. Maybe with Layla, Amy and Rory visiting us someway. No aliens. No enemies to fight against. An universe of peace where there's no fight. No war. Nothing. No one needing to be saved by the Oncoming Storm. By the Child of Gallifrey. By the Mad Man With a Box. The one they call the Doctor. My Doctor.

Doctor... a name that can make intire armies ran away... The name of my beloved soulmate... The one I'm not with now. That's why I wish in these times that I could just sleep, live in my dreams and never wake up again. Living in the perfect world. With my Doctor, obviously. If he wasn't in that world... then it wouldn't be perfect.

The Doctor's P.O.V.

I have tried to sleep, but I'm always awaking. I can feel everything Sophie is feeling right now... She's sad, incredibly sad... But there's also love in that sadness. Love and hope. Hope that I'll save her tomorrow. And that's what I'm going to do. I promise you, Sophie. Tomorrow I'll do everything to save you! I hate to see that she's feeling so sad and weak... especially because I'm not with her. I'm hating myself so much for that... To compensate that, tomorrow after I free her, I'm going to do the biggest birthday in the entire Universe. And I'll give her a TARDIS key, which I should have already gave a long time ago. And then I'm going to take her to the most beautiful places in the Universe. And give her all the love she deserves. I'm never going to leave her side. I'll give my life for her. I'll protect her from everything. Make her the most happy girl in the Universe. She'll never be sad about anything ever again. I promise.

Sophie's P.O.V.

I woke up again. I think it's past midnight. Which means... it's my birthday!! But since I'm here, there's no point of celebrating... since I'm without the Doctor... But if he saves me, I know he'll do a fantastic birthday party to me. With Layla and Amy. It's a shame Rory isn't here... I wish Amy could remember... She deserves to remember. After all he was her fiance... She needs to know. It's so sad that she doesn't remember... I can't imagine how it feels to feel sad because of someone we lost and can't remember it... It's like me not remembering the Doctor or him not remembering me! I don't even want to think about that... It would be so horrible if suddenly the Doctor didn't remember me!! My hearts would fall to pieces!! I would prefer to die than to live knowing that he didn't remember me!! But let's not think about that horrible subject now...

I began to think about the first time I met the Doctor. I was just a little girl. You know... I had just regenerated... right before the Daleks appeared. It reminds me of another thing... a thing that happened in those two years, when I was waiting for the Doctor to come and pick me after his past regeneration saved me... a thing I know that the Doctor will find out sooner or later... And if things get bad when he saves me... then sooner... But if nothing bad happens, then later.

I then started to remember the other times the Doctor came to visit me... and when he finally let me go with him, Amy and Rory. One of the happiest days in my life. Especially because it was the day we shared our first kiss... Ah, memories... It's memories like these ones that give me a little of happiness while in this dark and cold cell. It also gives me hope. Because the Doctor has already saved me more than once. I know that today, he'll save me again. I know it. I can feel it. Like I feel what the Doctor is feeling... His sad and I know he's missing me... I really like to know that he wants to be next to me as much as I want to be next to him... I can't wait for the Daleks to take me out of this cell. Because that's when the Doctor will save me. How? One things for sure. I know Davros will take him out of his cell just so that he can see the Reality Bomb working. If at least Davros knew that that is going to be his biggest mistake...

xX So sad!!! Oh my god, this just makes me cry!!! Especially with the music on the side!!!! D'x So beautiful but so so sad... Did you liked it still?? I hope you did! :)

See ya guys on next chap!!! ;D

Nymeria_Wolf <3 Xx

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