40| Bundle Of Unexpected

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The baby's middle name isn't supposed to be attached to Demi. You'll see when you read

*Nick's POV*

Being in the labor and delivery room was an experience I would never forget.

I arrived at the hospital in an utter panic, and ran to the room only to see Priyanka pacing around in front of the bed, holding her stomach. The nurse was doing something in the corner and I saw Priyanka sigh once she saw me. "You made it" She sighed, panting as she hunched forward a little bit.

"I did. How far along are you?"

"Like 3 centimeters. I've been progressing slowly when I got her last night but now it's happening quicker which I guess is a good thing"

"Is anyone with you?"

"My mom left to go ask the nurse something" Priyanka eyed the nurse in the room with pursed lips. "My boyfriend left to go pick up some food for me. I annoyingly can't have what I want because I'll throw it up when I push" She grumbled. "Where's Demi?"

"She didn't want to come"

"Why not? Your baby is being born"

"Well.. it isn't her baby so.."

"But she's going to be the step mom no?"

"She's staying home with Greyson and getting ready for work. She landed a new job and doesn't want to make a bad impression I guess. I don't know, we argued about it a little bit but honestly I was just in a rush to get here"

"You can text her and ask if she'd come? I'm sure they'd understand if they knew her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend was having a baby" I gave her a look "you're right" she sighed and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Priyanka I don't think she wants to be here. Why do you want her to be here?"

"She should be here to see your baby come into this world"


"Nick, she's your girlfriend"

"Yeah, not my wife. If we aren't together, why would we want to share this moment"

"and if you stay together?"

"Then we will have a lifetime of memories to make."

"Do you want her here?"

"Priyanka why can't you just drop it?"

"It just seems weird.. oh- god these contractions" She let out in a slow deep breath.

"How do you want me to help you?"

"Just don't touch me. I'm fine" She took a deep breath and starting walking towards the bed as the nurse came over to help her.

Watching Pri go through contracts was horrendous. I hated seeing any woman in pain, let alone pain I caused.

We stayed there for a couple hours, going through the motions of contractions and the epidural. I felt like I was on a high, but not a good one. Like a really bad adrenaline rush. I felt my heart race even quicker the second the doctor came in and said she was being moved to labor and delivery. I told Demi what was happening so she'd know why I wasn't going to be responding. 

Watching Priyanka give birth to my baby was something I never thought I would see. It felt weird not thinking about Demi while I watched my beautiful baby come into this world. I opted to not actually see the baby enter the world. If ever wanted to see that.. I would rather wait for Demi and I to have a baby than with my ex-girlfriend...

The final push, Priyanka let out an ear piercing scream as she scrunched up into a ball. She was breathing very heavily and let out a loud groan of relief.

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